I'm so scared

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Dear THH-of-the-future,

I'm so scared.

I'm so scared of failure, of trying and hoping and disappointing.

I feel like my heart is lifting weights with each beat and honestly I'm just so tired. I just want to be done.

I know, really, it's my own fault; I put the pressure on myself. It's all me. But I just can't stop.

I'm going to the states for a summer program to take university courses and I'm seriously panicking right now. I'm receiving such terrible grades in my English class right now and I picked a journalism course for this summer. What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough as a writer for journalism? I don't think I can continue if that's the case. A part of me, a very, very big part of me just want to not try and move on than to try and face potential rejection.

Yeah, I'm a chicken.

People always say "just be you", but what if my "you" just doesn't seem good enough?

I will push on; I think.

Please, please, let this work out.

I'm so scared.

I'm so scared.

I'm so scared.

I don't know what to do anymore.

THH-of-the-future, are you okay now? Do you still doubt yourself or have you found confidence?

I'm waiting to join you in a time where I don't feel this burden anymore.


Tee Hee Heee of just before grade 11 finals

Dear, Beloved, Sincerely, THH.Where stories live. Discover now