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And here is the last chapter of Fragmented Memories! Thanks for supporting me through my other book and even my Yukine book! I am so grateful to have wonderful readers!

Once again, I have no idea what anime to write about next so suggestions pls!



Its been a week since you technically died for the second time. And ironically Yato saved you with a wish... Again. But thankfully it didn't involve anything that would lead to this whole mess again.

Yuki wouldn't let you off the hook with your god duties but you did however get a shrine. Finally those old hags recognized you as a real god.

"Umihiko! Hurry up or I'm leaving you!" You hiss as you look around the corner of the corridor. You were trying to get past Yuki to go see Yato but she's been keeping a birds watch on you.

He rushes over to you, his feet not making a noise. "All clear. Let's go." He nudges you and you two rush to the door, running out and transporting to the human world. You were still too young to teleport wherever so you had to use this portal outside the house.

You traveled to your new shrine to see Yato waiting there. You grin, running into his arms and kissing him hard.

"Can you maybe do that somewhere else?" Yukine grunts in disgust, Umihiko beside him. You rustle his hair affectionately.

"Nope!" You answer his question and kiss Yato again. There was a light blush across all of their cheeks from your straightforwardness.

"Let's get going before Daikoku eats all the food." Yato weaves his fingers through yours as the group migrates.

You were living in absolute bliss. Even your human days, which you are slowly remembering, as well as your Regalia days, couldn't beat this.

No one knew what the consequence for Yatos second wish was however. You were very familiar with wishes so you just knew there would be another mishap. But all you could think about was being here, with everyone.

And you've never felt better.


"How queer, a young god who can grant wishes." The woman twirls her long hair around her finger, the sound of her tapping food filling the empty room.

"Maybe I can use them for my own use... I would just love for my kingdom to be filled with new faces, especially my dear son." The woman laughs delicately but her eyes betray a dark emptiness.

"Oh how I miss new faces." The room fills with moans as rotten, naked woman drag themselves across the floor, gathering at the woman's feet.



Fragmented Memories [Yato x Reader] Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now