D A Y 4

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Quick note: I will be making the reader more or less feminine because most of my readers are in fact females. However I still won't be using words such as "she, her" etc. to keep the gender open! Sorry if I do happen to slip up heh o-o

Also let me give you a quick run down of how the chapters will go. Every three or so chapters, I will create Yato chapters where you get to see how he was dealing without you blah blah. Those will be the days before day 98, when y'all meet. So basically your chapters will be the days rising and his will be the days falling. If this is confusing, I can add Yato and [Y/N] at the top. Just give a comment c:

D A Y 4

"Do you understand?" Your caretaker Yuki asks. Yuki has been with you since coming into this world. She's the only person you've ever known. Surprisingly, she was your age with blonde, almost white hair, and piercing grey eyes.

"So you're telling me I'm basically doing nothing?" You respond sarcastically, an eyebrow raised in doubt.

Yuki claps her hands with glee. "Exactly!" You sweat drop.

"But what about answering prayers?" You mumble, trying to think of the answer based on your learning.

"You will have to do those yourself but no worries, Auntie Yuki will be there for you!" She glomps you and pinches your cheeks.

"Oi! Yuki!" A blush dusts your cheeks as you smile. "You're treating me like I'm still little."

Yuki's hands go against her cheeks as she wiggles, animated hearts forming around her. "You just grew up so fast!"

"Yuki, why is that? Don't gods usually take longer to grow up?" You ask with curiosity. Just four days ago, you were a newborn baby. You heard that Mr. Ebisu was reincarnated but is still a young child.

"Well you are a god/goddess of time. Having that much power should not rest on a child's shoulders." This answers your question but another comes into mind.

"Why was I born?" You ask softly. "There is already Chimata-No-Kami*. Plus, I'm not used to this! How can I be a main god/goddess when no one has ever had this power?" You ask with desperation laced within your voice.

"You know why a god is created, do you not?" Yuki tells you, repeating something you've heard thorughout your lessons. "A wish was created and you are now living because of it. You should be honored [Y/N], you essentially have everyone's fate in your hands."

That doesn't help your unease.


You were walking down the streets once again, catching tiny whispers of prayers.

"I guess I'll check a shrine." You mumble to yourself and call upon your Regalia, turning it into a dragon. This and your red bladed Regalia are the only ones you were able to obtain. You remember how you named Umihiko but not Michi, nor why they have different vessel names. Yuki told you to use -ko as the vessel name so you did but Michi has always been with you. You've always shrugged it off but this time it's different.

You jump off of Umihiko and land on the floor softly like a feather. You saw a few girls praying at the shrine, causing you to smile. You didn't know if you had a shrine of your own but it made you happy that gods were getting prayers.

"I want to see you one last time."

This voice startles you and you turn around in a circle. That was a boys voice wasn't it? And it seemed so familiar... so warm.

As soon as the voice was gone, you felt as if you lost something important, something you once loved. A face flickers through your head. You gasp and fall to the floor, grasping your head. As soon as that face passed through your head, a stabbing pain forms in your head.

You fall to your knees with a whimper, desperately trying to remember the face which only further deepens the pain. After a few excruciating minutes, the pain goes away, leaving you clueless as to why the pain started. Feeling confused, you stand up on shaky legs and return back to the heavens.

"Tadai-" Yuki interrupts you as she runs up to you the instant you step inside.

"Where have you been [Y/N]?!" Yuki exclaims and grabs your shoulders roughly, looking you over.

"Why are you so worried? It isn't like I'll die if I go to the human world." You try to shrug Yuki off, her actions becoming a bit overbearing. "I'm fine." You decide not to mention your little breakdown.

What even was that? The harder you try to remember, the farther it becomes. Yuki stays still before sighing, letting her head fall.

"Just let me know when you go out next time. It isn't safe for you to go there alone." She speaks so softly that you almost didn't catch it.

"I don't see this problem with other gods though." You pout and cross your arms like a young child.

"[Y/N]..." Yuki says in her motherly voice.

"Hai hai." You groan before going to your room to study. It felt so familiar to study. Almost as if you actually lived in the human world not to long ago. A sharp pain crosses your head, causing you to gasp. Why was this happening? You stand up and try looking for Yuki so she can get a medicine man. You were about to knock on her door when voices filled your ears.

"-must not find him. The memory erasing will only last for so long." Yuki's voiced was hushed and you hear a familiar sigh.

"Yes, I agree. Plus as much as it pains me to say, it will affect his health greatly. We must keep them away from each other." The second voice belonged to one of your close friends, Lady Bishamon. Are they talking about me...?

You step away from the door in shock. Memory erasing? And who was this "him"? Another sharp pain stabs your head and you cry out, falling to the floor. You could hear the two woman rush outside to find you lying on the ground, writhing in pain.

"Go get Kazuma! It's starting to unravel!" Yuki's voice was fading in and out and before you know it, you pass out.

*Chimata-No-Kami is the god of crossroads, highways, and footpaths

Fragmented Memories [Yato x Reader] Book TwoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt