Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4

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Barry’s POV

“Thought you an’ ‘er was alright now? You said you was back together?” Darren asked me, I looked at him and grabbed some computer games, putting them under my jacket. “Yeah well maybe I were wrong” I said and stalked off out the classroom, not even asking to leave or telling Lowsley where I was going. I was angry that was certain, I thought me and Kaitlin were alright, I wanted us to be alright, actually I needed us to be alright I felt empty without her in my life. I stormed off down the corridor, smirking a tiny bit as some first years jumped out of my way. I hated not knowing where I stood with Kaitlin, I loved her, and I loved her a lot. I was scared she had found someone new, someone better than me, someone who could protect her and not put her in any danger like I had, I hated myself for putting her in danger last year. I shouldn’t have let her meet Steve-O, I shouldn’t have let my mum break us up the first time, I shouldn’t have done any of the crap stuff I did last year and I would hate myself for it probably for the rest of my life. “Dyn, can I have a word?” I asked my sister when I approached her, she turned around from Imogen and nodded before I walked into an empty classroom and she followed behind. “Has Kaitlin got a new lad or summit?” I asked her straight and she just stared at me, obviously shocked by my question. “Dyn, has she or not?!” I snapped at her. Dynasty looked at me and sighed “Last week when we were selling the cakes in town some guy came over and she knew him and she was hugging him and he kissed her cheek but she wouldn’t tell me who he was…” she told me, I felt my fists clench and I again stormed out the classroom, stalking off down the corridor, to where I didn’t know.

Kaitlin’s POV

Once I’d been to the toilet I managed to catch up with Connor and Kevin and I went with them to get some more of the stuff we needed. “Hey” I said to Barry as he came into the classroom a few minutes later but he ignored me and grabbed some other stuff, “Barry?” I shouted to him but he didn’t reply or even look back, I just shrugged it off and grabbed a box before walking with Connor and Kevin. I just carried on walking when Christine walked out and put the box I had on a table in the other classroom, I walked over to Barry once I’d discarded of the box but he walked away from me “For fuck sake” I said to myself and grabbed Barry’s hand, dragging him across the corridor and into an empty classroom, ignoring his shouts to be let go. “Why are you ignoring me?!” I snapped at him when I shut the door, he walked away and over the window, looking outside. “Barry Barry you fucking answer me right now. Why are you ignoring me all of a sudden?” I shouted at him and he turned around to face me, I could see the obvious anger in his eyes as much as he tried to hide it. “Who is he?” he asked sternly, I knew who he was asking about but I didn’t want to tell him, not yet. “Who, Barry?” I asked acting dumb but he saw straight through it, he always knew when I was lying. “Don’t play dumb, Kaitlin, who’s this new guy you have?!” he snapped at me, I knew Dynasty had told him, who else would have? “What’s it to you, Barry? We broke up!” I shouted at him and for the second time in the space of about 10 minutes I saw a prang of hurt in his eyes. “Yeah and I thought we were getting close again, we were getting like we used to!” he said, he didn’t shout. That’s what hurt me most, the fact that he was almost upset about this that he couldn’t shout at me anymore. “I-Sorry…I’m sorry that you thought that, Barry, I really am but I-I just want to be happy and I’m happy with my new boyfriend…” I said to him and I walked out the door before I let any sort of tear fall from my eyes, I walked down the corridor and into the bathroom. I missed him. I missed him a lot, I really did.

I quickly re-applied my make up after I’d stopped myself crying and pulled out my phone “Babe? Ya know that stuff you was on about last week? Can I get some please, babe?” I asked him down the phone, I smiled when he said yeah and I told him I was coming round before hanging up the phone and shoving it in my pocket. I opened the toilet door and peered out to check nobody was coming and practically ran down the corridor and into the entrance hall, luckily not being met by anyone. I pushed open the doors and ran down the steps, going up the drive and along the pavement to where his house was. “’Iya baby” he said when he opened the door and he pulled me instead, closing the door by pushing me back on it and kissing me. I smiled against his lips, almost forgetting how upset I really was about Barry and kissed him back before he took me into the living room “I’ll let you have them for free cause I love ya” he said and he rolled up some weed blunt and handed it to me, he did one for himself and lit them both up. I’d done weed a couple of times before but vowed not to do it again, I guess that went down the drain as I put the roll up to my lips and smoked it.

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