Chapter 9

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        This kiss wasn't like any other we shared, it was more intense, more passionate. It turned me on, his tongue brushed against my lower lip asking for entrance. My head was debating if I should really let him it but once he gave my butt cheek a squeeze, I let him in so he could explore the inside of my mouth.

I moaned when he nibbled on my lower lip and pushed me against the door. I was kissing back with the desire and want that I have been building up since the first day I met him. He started kissing my jaw line and until my neck and when he reached the soft spot on my neck, I moaned out his name. I could feel his, maybe huge member bulging inside his pants. It was teasing me as it constantly poked my thigh, making me wet in an instant.

My head was filled with dirty images of Nate, something I wanted to do right at this very moment. Something my body is craving for and my heart desiring for but I ignored the wolf from inside me. I could feel my wolf howling as me and Nate just stood there making out but she was also telling me to go further, to complete the mating process. I knew I should, since I cannot fight it anymore, fight how my knees buckle with pleasure and how my eyes mentally undress him automatically.

I then growled and wrapped my legs around his waist, taking over the kiss. Mentally telling him that he was mine and I was his. Soon he was carrying me towards the bed, which my heart was beating more fast than twice before, If that is possible. He gently laid me down on the bed and hovered over me, he scanned my body and whispered "You are so beautiful," I couldn't help but blush as he said it. He then leaned back in and started kissing me but this time it was soft and sweet.

His hands were touching every single spot on my body not leaving any spot untouched. He then started licking and sucking his mark which was somewhere near my shoulder. And the feeling was so amazing, but I don't think amazing was the word to describe it, It was just so good that I felt every part of my body shiver. I was in ecstasy, no! I was in a place where Love, Desire and Lust was heightened. Once I moaned his name out and arched my back as he kissed my cleavage, he growled and ripped my dress leaving me in my lacy red bra and panties.

When he looked over my body, I knew he liked what he saw. He then smirked, but then I rolled my eyes and I rolled us over so I was on top. I started unbuttoning his shirt while I kissed his chest. Once his shirt was off, I started rubbing my hands over his abs which was an eight pack. Making me more wet, I have never been this wet before I don't think I have ever been wet before I met Nate. While I was kissing his abs, I started undoing his belt. I growled again and pulled his pants off with one pull. His member was still standing and I could tell it was so hard since it was throbbing. One more layer then I could finally have some fun, I don't know why I have been denying this.

I climbed back on top of him and started kissing his lips. He was holding my ass while I was running my hand through his hair, his hair was so soft I think I could just run my hand through his hair forever but then I pulled back and just stared at him and thought to myself, How lucky I was to have a mate like him, or to have him as my mate and tonight we would finally complete the process. He looked at me and grinned, "What are you waiting for?" he asked, I bit my lower lip knowing that I am teasing him. He growled and grabbed my waist lifting me up, he lifted me with no effort it was like I was light as a feather. I squealed as he spun me around the room then we both fell on the bed.

He then slipped his hand inside my panties but before his hand could actually touch my pot of gold, there was a furious pounding on the door, that's when we just realized that the music downstairs was gone, we only heard people's whispers and chatters. Me and Nate was frozen on the bed, waiting for someone on the other side of the door to speak. Nate and me looked at each other, he knew I was scared at the same time afraid what might happen to him, to Nate and me. Would we ever get married traditionally? Would his parents accept us? Would mine? Would we ever have kids? Questions filled my head because of fear, the fear of losing him. I can't live without him, yes! It's a cliche thing to say but what if this was your last moment together right as everything was starting to get better it just came crashing down.

"SKYE!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" he shouted, my eyes widen with horror and my heart raced as if it just jumped right outside the window. Alpha Mason was here. Nate squeezed my hand as if telling me that everything was gonna be okay. But I knew it wasn't. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE WITH ALPHA NATE!!" he shouted again as he growled. I flinched at his scary but commanding voice, my wolf inside was hiding somewhere, knowing that she was scared every time Alpha Mason was mad. Soon we heard a soft knock on the window, me and Nate turn our heads to see Jane at the window. How did she get up there when we were on the second floor?

Nate and me went over to the window to open in, she quickly climbed in and we talked in hush voices so no one outside could hear us. The knock on the door continued. "I'LL GIVE YOU TEN MINUTES TO OPEN THIS DOOR ALPHA NATE!!" Alpha Mason growled as I heard his footsteps walk away. "What happened Jane?" Nate asked as he started putting on his pants. "It was Nikki, she saw you and Skye climb the stairs so she called up Chloe and you know, Chloe tells everything to Mason. Mason came inside the house as he knocked out a few of our men. He then stopped the party and asked where were you, Nobody answered so he searched everywhere," Jane said as she went to Nate's closet. "I suggest you two runaway," she said, I looked at Nate and he looked at Jane as if she just grew another head.

"Why? We could just have a civil talk with Alpha Mason," I spoke for Nate. Jane stopped packing bags and turned to face us with a no expression face. "There is nothing civil with Mason and he is not planning anything civil. I heard his plan, it was to secretly kill Alpha Nate and put you in a cage until you learn your lesson," she said. "But if he kills me then he is everybody's enemy, that means every pack around the world would go after him," Nate said as he put on his shirt, I stood there awkwardly in my lace red bra and panties since Nate ripped my dress so I had no clothes to wear. "He doesn't care, all he cares is if no one betrays him. Apparently he has this small but a bit obsessed crush on Skye," as Jane said that I heard Nate growl in anger.

Jane reached into his closet and pulled out a small backpack and threw it at me. "I packed a few clothes of mine for you Skye just in case something like this happens," Jane said, I smiled at her and searched for something to wear. I just pulled on a pair of shorts and a shirt. Soon Jane said "We don't have much time, you guys have to runaway and find someone to help solve this messy problem but be careful Mason has his members scattered everywhere around the perimeter," she said as she finished packing Nate's clothes and threw the bag at him.

Jane then threw a pair of converse towards me, I quickly wore it and gave Jane a quick hug and whispered "You're a life savior Jane, Daniel is lucky to have you," she just smirked and nodded. Nate then hugged Jane and as he pulled away he asked "What about you?" Jane looked down and said "I'll keep them off your tail, don't worry they won't hurt me. I told everybody in our pack to protect me, they got my back and besides Daniel is on the other side making sure no one hurts me. Now you guys get going," As we heard footsteps and a noise coming from the door, it seems like they're punching the door down. Me and Nate went to the window, Nate jumped down first he got his bag and I got mine but before I jumped out the window, I looked at Jane and said "Please tell my dad I'll be fine and I love him," she nodded then I jumped into Nate's awaiting arms.

As I was on the ground, I couldn't help but let the tears run down my face. Nate then cupped my face and said "We are gonna be alright, okay? We are gonna survive this and come back but right now just please stay with me, please don't runaway from me," more like he pleaded. I nodded and said "I don't want to runaway from you, as long as you don't reject me," trying my best not to sob. He smiled softly and whispered "I was an idiot to reject you," he then leaned in and kissed my lips softly.

Me and Nate then continued running, hand-in-hand. Wondering what the future has in store for us.

Thank you for reading!! Please VOTE every chapter if you enjoy reading my story! On the side is a picture of Skye Hale. It used to be Nina Dobrev, don't get me wrong! I love Nina Dobrev, she is my favorite actress but I keep using her in every story so I decided to use someone else. Thank you!! And keep reading to see if Nate and Skye will make it out alive. :)


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