Forty Seven

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I blame it on my slight intoxication level but it wasn't until we were in sight of the cottage and he didn't seem all that relieved that I realized he'd been distracting me.  "You weren't really afraid, were you?"

"A bit.  More once you confirmed the whole 'bears' thing.  I thought you might need something else to think about Sir."

"That's rather dishonest."

"You do the same for me.  I did it out of lo-- I mean for you.  I did it for you.  I'm sorry if it bothered you Sir."

He was right, I did.  I often tried to redirect him and fill his head with something other than worry.  "Forgiven."  I needed to be more drunk than this and went straight for the fridge once we were back inside.  "Want a glass, Chris?"

"Sure Sir, just one.  If you didn't bring any headache meds I have some."

"I have some Pet."  I had forgotten about them though and he was right, I should take some now.  I poured us each a glass of wine but grabbed a bottle of water and went into my room to down a few pills.  I crushed the empty plastic bottle in my hand and threw it at the wall.  No, that wasn't even going to begin to help.  I couldn't do anything here; I had to be good and proper and very NOT ME.  This whole weekend was about being NOT ME and I didn't know how much longer I was going to last.  I grabbed my wineglass on the way past the kitchen and sat on the couch.  I realized when he looked at me that should have picked the chair so I'd have some space.  It wasn't his fault I was like this though and it was his birthday, sort of.  "You may sit."

I was prepared for Christopher to be practically on top of me once I'd given him permission to come over but he surprised the hell out of me by kneeling on the floor.  A flood of stress left my body and I decided that I just might make it after all.  Maybe he could be good and not... he was trying.  He knew I was stressed and he was trying to help.  "Thank you Pet."


I had to visualize and hear the word nicely in my head before I could be sure I would say it politely.  "Yes?"

"Sir I know I shouldn't really ask but my birthday is almost over and I was hoping I could have a birthday spanking?  Only if it would please you, Sir."

A spanking?!?  That was play, that was rough.  But it was his birthday and he had asked.  "I don't know."

"It's up to you Sir, of course."

"Do you want them?  I'm not sure I can be gentle Pet."

"Oh I want them and I'd really like to feel them on the car ride home too Sir.  I'd like to feel all kinds of things tomorrow."

I ran my hand through his hair and tugged.  "You're making it very hard to say no."

"I want to be yours Sir and I think you need to use me almost as much as I need it.  Do you?  Do you need your boy?"

"Always Pet, always want you but I've been drinking, can't play."

"This isn't play Sir, it's a spanking and hopefully a really hard fuck.  A mind-blowing, earth-shattering, make-me-scream fuck.  I want it, please?  I'm not afraid of the big bad wolf."

He seemed to know what he was getting himself into. "Stand and strip for me."  Twenty seven swats was going to give me plenty of time to turn his ass pink and work out some of my frustration.  It sounded even better with one extra because it would be twenty eight.  Nice and even.  I'd put him over my lap so they wouldn't be too hard and I had a stopping point; he was right, this would be safe.  "Over my lap, now."  He obeyed immediately, good.  "Hands behind your back" I demanded and hooked his cuffs together.  My left hand covered his wrists to make sure they wouldn't slip down to try to protect the gorgeous ass now perched in front of me.

"These are just warm-ups, they don't count" I announced, giving him two gentle and then two firmer to each side.  "I want you to count each one out loud and when I'm finished I expect my polite boy to say 'thank you', understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"You may not come.  If you do I will double the number."

"Tempting, Sir" he teased.  "I'll do my best to obey Sir."

Good.  I rained ten down quick and hard before giving him a few seconds to breath and get himself together.  Then another ten, hard enough to make him squirm and whimper.  "Seven more Pet, and one to grow on."

"Yes Sir" he panted, flexing his legs and then relaxing. 

He did fine until twenty four and then barely managed to count the next few.  He was struggling but I didn't care.  I unhooked his cuffs and released my grip.  "Up, hands on the arm of the couch."  He did as I asked rather haltingly and I nodded when he was in position.  "I think your one to grow on should be a bit harder, don't you think?  It needs to last you a whole year." 

I stroked his cock which was so hard it twitched in my hand and then I slid my belt out of my loops and doubled it over.   "You're going to take this and then turn and drop to your knees to thank me."  He only nodded but it was good enough.  The leather sang and the thud it made as it hit was beautiful.  His howl was a prize. "Down."

He wasn't in waiting, he was using his hands to hold him up but with the panting he was doing I couldn't be too angry.  "Thank you Sir, thank you for giving me what I deserved."

"Are you sure you want more of me?"

"Absolutely Sir. I want everything I can get. All you're willing to share."

"Your bed, prep yourself, hands and knees on the edge.  Don't make me wait."  He was off like a flash and I stopped in my room for a condom and found him slicking himself up when I went in.  I watched the show as my shirt and then boxers and pants came off.  "Need you so much, Pet.  Gonna take that pretty little ass so hard."

"I know Sir, you need it.  Need to show me who's in charge, need to dominate me, own me.  It's okay Sir, use me please.  I can take it, let me help."

"Safe words?"

"Daffodil and Ruby, Sir."

I did just that, fucking him hard and making both of us moan.  We were both glad that the cottage was so private because damn that boy can yell and I made him do it. It was rough and impersonal and exactly what I needed.

Afterwards I helped him clean up and got him a bottle of water before tucking him in and explaining that I needed privacy and would see him in the morning.  I was done being social and he seemed to understand.

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