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It began sprinkling on my drive home and by the time I pulled into the garage and stepped out of the car the smell of newly wet pavement permeated my senses. What is it about that smell which is so calming? It's not pleasant per se, that acrid stench, but it's soothing in a way that goes deep to your bones. Perhaps it's the end of waiting; a vivid reminder of now that pulls us from our worries. I always imagined that snow must feel the same way when the first few flakes descend.

I opened several of the windows in the house, glad that it was warm enough to enjoy the entire experience. The smell would be fleeting, it disappeared so quickly and we'd be left with just rain but that didn't bother me either. I loved hearing it tap and pitter against the roof and hoped it would continue through the night.

For now I needed to prepare, or did I? A final decision about the weekend needed to be made but I still couldn't quite convince myself of the necessity or wisdom of a 'boyfriend' weekend. I didn't understand what Christopher expected to learn from it or what he thought I would get out of it. I was perfectly capable of not having sex with him; I did it most Friday nights. Finally I decided to stop my spiraling brain and message him. First I needed to change his contact name.

Me: Do you still want a no-sex weekend?

Pet: It could be enlightening but I would miss you, of course. It's your choice Sir.

I knew that.

Me: I know. Be clear: what is the point?

Pet: You said you don't see the difference between non-play times with me or one of your friends, right? There is one, at least for me. You're special to me even when we're not scening Sir and I guess I

Pet: I wonder how it is for you. I wonder if there's a difference.

Me: Of course there is. I don't let anyone else handle my remote.

Pet: Is that a euphemism Sir?

Me: No. You make no sense.

Pet: I'm nodding. I know. Forget it, please? Ravage me to your hearts content

Me: And my cock's

Pet: That too. I guess I wanted a weekend off, to see what it was like.

So Kevin had been right. He was testing either himself or me.

Me: Boyfriends have sex, do they not? I don't understand.

Pet: Me either. Sorry Sir, I'm confusing. Plus this would upset your schedule, wouldn't it? I didn't think about that. Sorry. Never mind please?

This entire conversation was supposed to help and instead I was just more confused. Fine, if he cared enough to bring it up and Kevin seemed to think he would need it, I would go along with it. This limbo land was more frustrating than giving up this evening would be.

Me: Very well, no sex.

I realized after I agreed that I had NO clue what to do with him instead. What did one do with their 'boyfriends' on Saturday evening before dinner? I would have to ask Kevin.

Pet: I think it will be good for us. Thank you. I'll see you at 5 Sir?

Me: Yes. Goodbye Pet

Pet: See you soon Sir

I had a beer and called Kevin and came up with a plan for the evening. Then, because I had some free time due to not prepping the play room, I called my mother. I was at the dining room table pulling the edge pieces from the puzzle he'd given me for Christmas, Kevin's suggestion, when I heard him pull in.

"Hello Sir" he practically cooed from the entryway. "Should I come in there? I'm sorry, I don't know the rules for this."

"I don't either. Come sit down Pet. I got you a cup of coffee; it seemed a good fit with the rainy weather."

"That sounds delicious Sir, thanks." He pulled up the chair where I had placed his cup and took a sip. "Will we still go to the club later?"

"Isn't that up to you?" I asked. I apparently wasn't in charge this weekend, right? This whole thing was for him.

"Me?" he squeaked. "No Sir it's up to you. I didn't mean to disrupt your whole weekend."

"Well you already have so take advantage of it and get whatever you need out of it. Do whatever you need to do so that it's productive." Maybe that had sounded harsher than I meant it. "I don't know how this weekend needs to work for you Pet."

"I don't either. It was a stupid idea." I didn't miss the fact that he had inched his chair over three inches closer. "You already go out of your way to give me boyfriend time, that's what date nights are."

"Yes, I think so as well."

"But those are all wrapped up in sex too, because it's coming. I mean the scene is" he added, turning pink. "NO I mean... oh god I'm hopeless. I just... Okay it's like this. Our time together is all squished together, kind of. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And even though we don't have sex on Friday nights, the rest of the weekend is SO much about sex that the overall feeling, when I look at the weekend as a whole... Damn it, a 'hole'. Nice Chrs. Um, I give up."

"If you don't like the current days, why did you agree to them? Do you wish to change them during the next contract?"

"No Sir, they're fine. Like you said, there's no perfect answer there. The time and dates are fine, that's not really the point I was trying to make."

I had listened to his words but what struck me the most was his body language and how polite his tone was. He was speaking his mind freely, at least it seemed so, but he wasn't being rude or argumentative which I had feared going into this. It confused me, so I tried not to dwell on the 'why' and instead enjoy it. Maybe Kevin was right and Christopher needed to understand that this was who he was naturally, no matter what words he wanted to use about our arrangement. I handed him the box. "We're missing a few I think. Please look for them." I went to work sorting the edge pieces by pattern, then splitting them into four piles for the top, bottom and sides.

"Are Ollie and Kevin going to the club tonight?" he asked.

"No." Kevin didn't want him exposed to so many people and any viruses they may be carrying.

"I would rather stay here then. Maybe we can watch something? I could cook dinner if you'd like, or help. Whatever you want Sir."

"Very well."

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