Time Doesn't Stop

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He was dead. The only thing I could think about as my eyes burned from tears was he was dad.
I felt a hand on my back. "Get back!" I screamed and swung around hitting Undyne in the face. She made an oof! Sound and grabbed her cheek. I screamed and sobbed as I grabbed Asriel's dust. Undyne rubbed my back. She must have not had anything to say. "He's gone." I sobbed into her chest.
"Yes I know. And it's not okay. We will get Chara back for this." Chara. She was the reason he was dead... It was all her. "ITS ALL HER FAULT!!" I pushed Undyne away. All my sadness. All my fear. It was now anger. "WHERE IS SHE!" I yelled.
I had to find her. I had to kill her. "Chara I'm coming!" I laughed from hysteria. I broke into s sprint across the dead field. Chara was hiding somewhere in her army and I knew it. I pulled out my gun and shot at any enemy I could see. They shot back. Bullets hit me, I didn't care about the blood spewing from the holes in my skin. I didn't feel the pain anymore. My body shut down from all emotion and feeling. Is this what a feels like to be crazy? I pushed people aside and shot at them. I got droopy from blood loss. Then I saw her. Chara. Everyone backed away from me and her. "CHARA!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Frisk." She said calmly. "How could you be so calm and.... Smiling?! After all the pain you've caused!!" I yelled. She looked around and slowly got more horrified. "So much hurt. So many dead Chara. Because of you." Tears dropped from Chara's eyes. She covered her mouth. "Frisk." She said. "I'm so... Sorry. I-I didn't know." "Are you really sorry Chara." I barred my teeth. "Yes. I am. Should we.. Hug it out?" She asked. I held my my arms out and she embraced me. "I'm sorry....." Her fangs grew and eyes turned black. "Sorry you won't be around to see the end of this war.. YOUR SOUL IS MINE!" I screamed as I felt my soul being forcefully ripped from my body. Tears streamed down my face from the pain. "Why are you doing this!!" I felt something pop from my back and screaming around me. I saw my soul in Chara's hands.... And I fell over. Blacked out.

No Bounds: Chara's Revolt (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now