New Kind of Fight

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Chara attacked first. She lunged out of the darkness at Frisk but Frisk dropped and rolled. Then when Chara was disoriented I attacked her. I jumped at Chara and wrapped my arms around her throat, rolling to the side and pressing my weight into her. Chara made a distressed sound and struggled to push me off. I just tightened my grip on Chara's throat, sinking my fingers in. She started gagging. Chara's skin was hot under my fingers. Her eyes started to become hard and the looked right at me. Between exasperated breaths she smiled. "Did you really think it would be that easy to get rid of me?" Her skin got warmer and warmer then hot. Chara screamed and threw her arms to the side. Pressure on my chest. My ears popped and it felt like ever part of my body was being squeezed to it's limits. I moaned in agony loudly. My body was thrown against the wall. My back came in contact with the white stone and knocked the wind out of me. I fell to the ground 5 feet below and could barley stay conscious long enough to see what was happening Frisk. My world became black, the blackness started on the outside of the room and closed in until the world dissipated. I closed my eyes and stopped struggling to move.

Frisk POV
I saw Asriel out of the corner of my eye closing his eyes slowly and stop moving. He's fine. I reminded myself. He'll be fine, he always has been. I couldn't worry about Asriel although anger... Extreme anger boiled deep within me. I had to shield it and focus on fighting Chara until Asriel woke. Chara who was struggling to stand clutched her throat in order to catch her breath. Finger marks from Asriel were stained purple on to her throat. Chara coughed and looked at me. I felt my muscles tighten. I couldn't freeze up. Not here. Not in front of Chara. I forced myself to move forward. Adrenaline pumped throughout my whole body. I sprinted towards Chara and pulled out my gun. I lunged at her before she could do anything and used hit Chara in the head with the black metal. Chara's body flung sideways hitting the ground which made a smacking sound. Judging by the blood I saw spilling from Chara's temple I hit her in the right spot. She flashed a deadly look and barred her teeth at me as my feet smacked against the ground running to Asriel who was groggily waking up. Blood trickled from his head on to the tiles. Footsteps followed close behind me. "Not so fast!" Chara snapped. I slid to a stop and to Chara's surprise jogged back at her. She was within arm length when I punched her in the nose and kicked her in the gut sending her stumbling back. I ran to Asriel and shook him. "Get up! I need to you to help!" I yelled in Asriel's ear. His eyes opened and he blinked before standing. "Are you okay?" I asked touching his arm. He looked at me and squinted while rubbing his head. "My head and back hurt like a bitch and I'm bleeding but other than that I can fight." He pulled his gun out and stared at Chara who was now raising her arms. "We have trouble." He said. Chara lifted off the ground and gathered light from the room. Her body started to glow and her eyes turned white. Chara's whole body changed to a different color emitting light. An outline of wings appeared behind her and turned into actual black wings. She smiled a toothy smile and grew fangs. A  line starting from her feet made its way up her body transforming Chara into her final form. Her eyes were now white with fangs, she had wings and her clothing was black and baggy. She had lines starting from her jaw to her eyes and longer hair. She laughed. "This is my true form!" She screamed. The vibrations from her voice made the room shake. I suddenly feared my life. "So this is why she absorbed all those souls!" Asriel yelled over the wind. Chara glared and us and fast like a serpent bound at us with increasing speed. She impacted with the ground in front of us cracking the ground open. I screamed and tried to jump back.
Asriel grabbed my arm and started to run. I looked at his blank face. He was instinctively running to a window. He jumped towards it. I didn't feel anything but I heard the crash. Glass glittered catching and reflecting moonlight. We fell quicker and quicker. I looked at the ground seven stories below and screamed. 5 stories... 4... 3.... 2! Asriel wrapped his arm around me. His body was warm. We stopped falling and started to glide. "Asriel?!" I screamed over the rushing wind. This wasn't Asriel. It was his hyper-death form. Relief washed over my body. "Smart thinking." I clutched him.
"Thanks. It took a lot of magic energy.
I won't be able to hold onto for long."
We touched to be ground and Asriel fell over. I keeled to help him but he pushed me away. "I'm fine." He struggled to stand up. The lines on his face were fading and his clothes were transforming again. He pulled himself together and breathes heavily. "I need to keep this form long enough to fight." He said. I almost forgot about Chara until I heard another window smash. I looked up to see Chara flying down at us. She held out both hands and froze in midair. A white circle started swirling in her hand. She extended her arms and a beam shot from her hands. I leaped to the side and the beam shot into the forest behind us creating a pathway of destruction. The broken and fallen trees were smoldering in the deep dirt path. I looked back to Chara and the gray building behind her. It raised high above her. She readied an attack again. Just as she shot it Asriel leaped in front of me and crossed his arms in an X. The beam hit his arms and created a flash of light. He stood there for Agee moments and reflected the beam back to Chara. It shot at her, hitting her in the stomach. Chara spun through the air and hit the gray brick building. Asriel's knees shook and she fell to the ground. All at once he transformed out of his hyper-death counterpart and became the Asriel I knew. He groaned and stood up. "I can't give up!" He forced himself into hyper-death. Asriel charger Hyper-Goner and shot it at Chara. Blood fell all over. "One... More.... Attack." Asriel looked like he was about to throw up. "Asriel stop!" I screamed and grabbed his arms from behind him. I shook Asriel but he elbowed my arms then help up his hands. "Last one Frisk!!" Stars rained from the sky and crashed into Chara, they burned her skin. Asriel  fell over and transformed out of his form final time and thew up. "This is to much energy consuming. I'm sorry Frisk. I failed." He clenched his fists and closed his eyes. "Asriel we need to go!" I screamed pulling him up. Asriel nodded and tried running into the forest. I followed. We ran as fast as we could. Behind us was crashing from Chara. She was weakened enough so she couldn't do any real damage. "Come back here!" She screamed from the distance. I looked at Asriel's gun from his back pocket and squinted. "Asriel don't pay attention to me. Run to get help. I'll be close behind." I grabbed his gun and spun on my heel. I pulled the trigger on the gun and fired at Chara. Asriel kept running and I shot at Chara again. She was at close range so it was easy to hit her. I hit her in the shoulder, the leg and grazed her cheek. She shrieked in pain and I turned to follow Asriel. The fatigue started from my legs and raised to my chest. "Keep running! We're almost there!" He screamed. I tried... But my foot caught on a root. I tripped and rolled into a bush. I crashed through it and off a drop. I continued to roll down the hit cutting my arms, legs and face. My back smacked against a tree. I moaned in pain. I looked up the hill 50 yards up and saw Asriel looking down at me. "Frisk!?" He called out to me. "Help." I croaked. Asriel jumped over the bush and slid down the hill. He looked at me and jumped back. I looked down and realized my leg was twisted in a funny way. I widened my eyes and started to scream. Asriel kneeled next to me and touched two fingers to my leg. Immediately it stung and ached. I screamed. Asriel picked me up and balanced on the mountain. "I'll carry you. The base is in sight." He carried me down the hill starting in a jog then broke into a sprint. Voices started in the distance. Before I knew it we burst through the metal doors. The lobby was filled with people getting ready for war. Asgore was in the front along with the rebels that switched to our side. "There they are!" One pointed out. "Frisk is hurt and I'm exhausted. Chara is weak, she'll be here tomorrow." Asriel said and almost dropped me. He sunk to the ground and dropped me. He fell over and struggled to stay awake. When he fell asleep I started to cry from my leg. Alphys stepped forward. "I'll help you. Asriel will have to stay here though." Alphys said and gestured Asgore to help her bring me to the lab. I bit my lip as Asgore put his arms around me. Was Chara really going to be here tomorrow? Could we win if Asriel did stay in his Hyper-Death form? I couldn't feel, I couldn't think. I fell asleep.

No Bounds: Chara's Revolt (Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя