On The Move

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I grabbed some jeans and put them on as I ran out the door of the spare room. There were loud banging and cracking sounds and the whole lab shook, it knocked some strange liquid over, "What's going on?" I yelled over the sound, "I don't know!" Frisk yelled back. I could feel the vibration from whatever was banging against what, "What's... Oh no." I heard someone yell, I turned to find Alphys staring at two liquids about to flow together, "Take cover!" She screamed and dove behind a fallen shelf. I decided to to the same but I hid in another room. Frisk came in right behind me. There was a loud bang and explosion that threw Frisk forward. She put her elbows out to shield herself from the fall and scraped them up. Without even flinching she stood back up and ran out of the room. Everyone was evacuating their rooms they stayed in. We ran into the lab area where the exits were. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash and another loud pounding sound. When the person pulled back I realized it was Chara trying to break into the lab. "How did she find us?!" Someone yelled. I didn't check to see who because I was already occupied on trying to find the other exit. The door flew open and at that moment I felt true fear. We all stood in a crowed and stared at Chara. Her brown hair was strung across her face but her once brown eyed now had red in them.
Her demonic smile made me grab my stomach. Her eyes scanned over us and stopped on me. "There you are." Her voice was calm but it didn't sound like it was coming from her. She started towards me. When she was a few feet from me Frisk jumped in front of me, "I- if you want to hurt him... Y-you'll have to go through me." She didn't sound so sure if herself. Chara glared at Frisk. "If you know what's good for you, you'd move." Frisk swallowed hard and stepped away from me, but not too far away just in case something happened and she had to shield me again. I put my hand on her shoulder and my other hand behind my back. If I saw correctly there was a syringe with a long needle on it on the table behind me. I felt around the smooth marble table for the needle. She inched closer, "It's about time..." She said. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to find you.... Just so I could tear you apart." She smiled. Where was that syringe! I moved my hand around faster this time. "You have a choice." She continued. "You can cooperate and join me." I closed my hand around the syringe and gripped it. "Or you can die slowly and painfully... Over and over..." Frisk clenched her fists. I brought the syringe closer to my back keeping it hidden, "Which one is it brother?" I felt appalled that she called me her brother. "Don't call me your brother. You are nothing me. And if you think you are... You have this coming!" I swung the syringe forward. Before Chara could even react I jabbed her in the face with it then in the chest and somewhere else. I didn't see the last place I heard because I turned and ran. Chara moaned in agony behind me... That moan turned into a laugh. A deep... Unsettling laugh. "It won't be that easy!" I turned to see Chara wipe blood from her face and stare at me.
It felt like someone put a giant pair of hands around my body and was trying to strangle me. If it wasn't for Frisk sprinting to Chara and throwing herself into her I probably would have been crushed to death. Frisk who fell to the ground kicked and fought her way to her feet. Chara grasped her leg but Frisk kicked her in the face with her shoe. "How does that taste!" She yelled triumphantly and sprinted past me grabbing my arm dragging me along. I heard Chara grunt in frustration. Before she could do anything else we burst out of the glass door running out into the open streets. The city looked even worse this time. The sky's were red and cloudless and the fires in the collapsed buildings were even bigger. The emptiness of the streets made an eerie setting. I couldn't think, all I could to was run. My lungs felt like they were going to burst open and my legs ached but I needed to get as far away from the lab as possible. When we sprinted at full speed for a mile I couldn't run anymore. No one could. We all breathed in and out of our mouths trying to get air into our lungs. Undyne, Asgore, Frisk and I leaned against trees clutching out stomach. Alphys and Toriel collapsed trying to breath. Papyrus didn't have lungs so he wasn't fazed. I all of the sudden realized why he looked so upset and was so quite. We killed his only brother. His only piece of family. A wave of guilt washed over me. I didn't want to face the truth. I had to push the guild and regret inside me and never let it out. No one could see me like that, not even Frisk.
Once everyone recovered from the running and could breath without wheezing we decided to move some more. It would be bad to stay in one place. We had to stay on the move so Chara and anyone who sided with her wouldn't find us. I wanted to know how many people ran and how many sided with her. If anyone turned, we would have to fight them. None of us wanted that. We walked for what seemed like hours. I didn't have a watch with me so I only knew the time when I realized the sun was setting. I stood in front of the the group of my friends and family, "We have to take shelter or we could get lost or hurt in the night." Everyone looked around at each other, "Where will we stay? The whole city is nearly wiped out and were in the middle of the woods." Toriel said. I frowned and looked around and the pine trees that sheltered us from moonlight. I then looked to the nearby ledges and cliffs around us. Frisk walked up and stood next to me. She looked also. She locked her eyes on something. "We have company!" She said quietly but just loud enough for everyone to hear. I gestured behind a bush. As quietly was we could we piled behind it. The thorns poked at me cutting my skin. Blood stained tiny circles of my fur red. I peered out of an opening in the bush line Frisk was, "What do you see?" Someone asked. Frisked shushed them and listened to a passing conversation. The voice was deep but rough, "I swear I heard something." They said. The other voice was high and almost shy but they sounded tough. "If you did then someone has to be nearby." They said. Frisks eyes widened. The people who were talking were Sans and a whimsun I've never seen. Frisk turned to me worried and mouth I thought he was gone! I bit my lips and furred my eyebrows. I shrugged and turned back. "What ever it was it's gone now." Sans said and turned back. Whimsun stayed and scanned the area before turning and following Sans. They both were wearing black clothing. It must mean their rebels and were against us. When I was sure they were gone I collapsed and pulled my knees to my chest burying my face in them. How is this possible? I saw him die! Frisk looked as confused as I was, "Before anything else happens lets find a place to take shelter in." Asgore said. "Like there." Frisk pointed to a cave that we didn't notice before because the opening was hidden by vines. I stood and walked to the cave that was 50 yards from us and pulled back the veil of vines. It was large enough to fit about 10 people. It's walls were stone. The cave wasn't very big but it was just a hollow sphere inside the cliff above us. We all piled in one by one until we were all inside the cave. It managed to look bigger with everyone inside. The roof of the cave was high enough for Asgore to stand up without hitting his head and the walls were wide enough so that everyone could stand against them and there was about 8 feet in the middle of the cave to put a small fire. I immediately went to work and picked up random sticks lying around and put them in a circle that was bordered by rocks. My mom, dad and I all stood around it and put our hands out summoning fire igniting a flame that grew heating the cave. The smoke vented out in a tiny hole in the roof of the cave. Once the fire was situated Frisk grabbed a few blankets from her backpack she managed to grab during the attack. She only had four so some people would have to share. My mom and dad would share Alphys and Undyne would then me and Frisk. Papyrus would have his own. Everyone decided to sleep immediately but Frisk and I decided to stay up and talk. I sat down and rested my head against the wall and swung my hand over my knee. Frisk sat down after a few minutes and set her head on my shoulder. We sat quietly for a long time then Frisk said something, "Asriel I'm so scared." She clutched her stomach. "You don't act it." "How do you stay so calm in a situation like this." She asked. I snorted, "Do I look calm to you?" I sighed and looked out the vine covered cave opening. "Yeah... You do babe." She closed her eyes. I sat quietly for a few minutes and spoke again, "I really am scared too." Frisk opened her eyes and stared at me but I squeezed my eyes closed. "I'm petrified." My grip on the grass tightened. She frowned and stared at the ground drawing circles in it with her hand. "You know that love you right Asriel." She bit her lip. "What? Of course I know!" I clasped my hands around her shoulders. "I mean more than anything. I'd sacrifice myself for you." She said and stared into my eyes. "Yeah. You shouldn't... I'm not worth it." My grip on her shoulders loosened and I relaxed again. Frisk looked longingly at me, her tone went to a whisper, "Yes you are." She pressed her lips to mine. It felt like forever since we did this but it was only a few days ago. When Frisk tried to pull away I yanked he back against my lips this time wrapping my arms around her waist. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me harder. I wish we could stay like this frozen in time so we could never stop. Frisk made me feel warm and happier when I was around her. I had to pull away when I heard someone move around under the blankets but then stopped moving again. We sat in the same position we were in for a long time eventually Frisk falling asleep. I smiled sweetly and kissed her forehead, "Goodnight, Frisk." I reached over and grabbed the soft gray blanket. Careful not to wake Frisk I sat behind her and put my knees in the air next to her hips. Her breathing steadied and I wrapped the blanket around us making sure it wouldn't slip off. I stared at Frisk as I slowly dozed of. My vision started to go black and a fell asleep with my face against Frisk's back.

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