The Escape

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Frisk POV
I have to get into that forced field. I couldn't watch Chara continue kissing my boyfriend and smirking when she saw me in pain. I pressed my hands to the force field no matter how bad it hurt. I closed my eyes and shut out any distractions. It was too much work, when I opened my eyes I was horrified beyond belief. This time Chara was gripping Asriel's jeans and about to slide them off. Asriel was still tearing up. His tears were now forming a tiny puddle on the ground. I pressed my hands together then slapped them against the force field once again. I thought of the situation and all the things I've done with Asriel. "If I really do love you. This force field will shatter." I said and pressed harder into the field. Electricity surged inside me. I screamed. There was a crack and time froze. Chara looked at me horrified. I felt pressure on my chest and I was blown back against a wall. It was a big enough distraction for Chara to jump and Asriel's eyes turn back to their normal brown color. He brought up his elbow and wailed Chara in the back of the head. She wailed in pain and disappeared. Asriel pulled up his jeans and ran to my side. I grit my teeth then bit my cheek. "You were kissing her." I said. "Frisk I had no choice I tried to fight it but she paralyzed my body and I couldn't move! We don't have time to talk she'll be back!" Before I could say anything Asriel lifted me up like he usually did and ran down out of the dark room and into the hallway. Before I knew it we were running towards jail cells. He set me down. "Keep watch." I sighed and nodded. Asriel brought his mouth close to mine like he was going to kiss me but he pulled away hesitantly and pulled keys from his back pocket unlocking the cells where I didn't even notice my friends and family was. I stared at him not paying attention. "What are you doing!" I turned around face to face with a guard. "Incoming!" I yelled as guards came around the other end of the hallway. One of them was Toriel. She winked at me and blended into the crowd again. "Almost done!" Asriel said letting Asgore out of the cage. Something was wrong, "Where's Papyrus?!" I yelled over the sound of reinforcements. "His with us!" I turned to see a skeleton with a blue eye. "I thought we killed you for good Sans!" Back up. "I was brought back from hatred and revenge! Papyrus crossed when he realized I was alive! Now you don't stand a chance!" He said. "We do stand a chance! Asriel!" I yelled. "On it!" He threw me the keys and I caught them. There were gunshots and some guards fell over. I ran unlocking the prisoners cages. Including my friends who stayed loyal. Some would escape and some would die this day. The army started to close it. I bumped into Asriel. "Where to we go?" I tangled my fingers in his. "There's s window that will lead to a roof over there." He jerked his head to the left showing me a large window beside the cells. "To the window!" I yelled and ran to it smashing through. Glass shards flew everywhere as I fell faster and faster towards the roof. I just barley made it, I had to run as I landed to steady my fall but I fell over trying and rumpled across the cement roof. I heard many smacks as monsters made the jumps. Others were t so lucky. They died from the fall or a gunshot. "Help!" Someone screamed. A little monster girl was holding onto the roof and starting to slip. Her parents must have been a whimsun because she looked like a little terrified ghost with no wings. I sprinted to the edge and grabbed her arm pulling her onto the ledge. I turned to see Asriel helping pull people up too. Once everyone who could make it was on the roof footsteps from the opposing army were stomping down the stairs to the rooftop. "This way!" Asriel yelled leading everyone to the other end of the roof. The long grass and soft dirt should cousin the fall. Everyone jumped following Asriel and landed safely on the ground. We couldn't stop there. We kept running into the woods. The trees grew thicker and the night darker as I managed to sprint upfront next to Asriel who was leading the group. We ran until we couldn't breath and our legs hurt. Most of the army made it into the woods safely but some wounded. Others died during the hallway ambush or rooftop jump. I couldn't help but think of all the bodies on the cement back there. Someone out there hand on their shoulder. I turned to see Asriel's smiling face. He started to say something but I fit my mouth to his and kissed him. When we pulled away he smiled. "Does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?" I giggled and nodded. "No. I'm furious." I said jokingly "Kiss me again babe." We kissed again. "I can't wait until all this is over so we can do this in private." Asriel said. "Yeah I'm with you." I buried my face in his chest. He smelled like he always did. I've gotten used to thinking Asriel's smell and warmth was safety. He was so comforting. "How about we win this war and we can." He said holding me up. I nodded. "Sounds like a plan."
Our now large army was splitting up so we could all get a view of what was going on. Me and Asriel stayed in the middle along with our family and friends. Toriel managed to make it out of the guards attack but she didn't leave unharmed. She was bruised through her fur and cut. Since Toriel had healing magic she healed quickly. She and Asgore also healed others. By the middle of the night everyone who wanted to be healed was. I passed out in the grass on Asriel's shoulder. She put his protective arm around me and pulled me close to him to make me feel safe. I woke up in the middle of the night when everyone else was sleeping. It was just barley dawn yet so I decided to slip away and walk to a nearby creek to freshen up. I washed my face and arms in the freezing, icy water. I looked into the distance and saw a figure move quick like a serpent across the river bank. "Is someone there." I called out. Stupid! Of course they won't answer you and you just gave yourself away! I thought to myself. No response. Everything was still except for the sound of the running water and rustle of wind through the trees. I stepped quietly away and back to Asriel. Something unsettling was brewing inside me but I was safe here with Asriel. I crept silently passed Asriel careful not to wake him. "What are you doing." I looked down and stared at Asriel, his eyes were closed like he was sleeping but his arms were crossed. "Nice trick." I sat down next to him. He opened his eyes and sat up next to me. "I heard you sneak away. What for?" "Just wanted to clean up and wake up." I replied. "Ah. You seem on edge the way you move and your body language is also telling me so." He said. He pressed his palms into the soft grass and slid one hand into mine. I thought about talking about the figure but it could have been my imagination. "I just feel like we're being stalked. I swear I saw something at the other end of the creek and but it was probably just my mind deceiving me." I tilted my head back and looked at the fading stars. I thought of the battle with Asriel and his Star Blazing attack. I wondered how enemies could bloom into something like this. I pushed it away and enjoyed the time with Asriel before everyone woke up. This was probably the only time we'll be to relax for a few days or weeks. With all the chaos everyone should be on edge. I watched the sun rise over the horizon and things started to stir. "Morning my children." Toriel came over and kissed us both on the head. Undyne jumped over a fallen tree and landed next to Frisk. "You can have your make out session later guys! We have trouble!" I instinctively jumped up and ran to yells and battle crus. Asriel did the same and came up beside me. "Get your weapon ready." He said. Asriel pulled out a gun and threw it to me. "I can't believe they're attacking already it's only been a night." I said clicking a bullet into the chamber. "It's a nightmare." He said doing the same. We jumped through bushes and froze staring at army against army. The field was open and some were laying dead or wounded in the dead yellow grass. Asriel slid his hand into mine and squeezed. "I love you." He said so quiet it was a whisper. "I love you so much." He added. I squeezed my eyes shut. "I love you too." I was woke from my daze when there was a gunshot and a bullet pierced the tree next to me. I ran into the battlefield separating from Asriel. I ducked and rolled avoiding getting shot. One bullet grazed my shoulder making me yell. I felt my vibrant red blood trickle down my shoulder. A tall Knight Knight monster lunged at me. I shot her in the leg then in the arm so she couldn't hurt me. I jumped over her body catching a glimpse of Asriel shooting then swinging around smacking a monster in the face and then kicking one in the chest. I tripped and face planted giving myself a bloody nose. I stood up wiping the mud and blood from my face then realized someone had gun barrel trained to my head. I screamed and my stomach dropped as they wrapped a finger around the trigger. I heard someone yelling. "Haaaaaa!" Undyne flew through the air and kicked the person in the head. I stood up and hesitated then shot the human in the head. I could faintly see his soul burst apart. "He had a weak soul he would have never survived." Undyne clapped me in the back and sprinted off to help someone else. Her red hair flowed behind her as she ran. I shook all my thoughts from my head but the dead human under me made the thoughts come back. "I just shot someone." I sighed shakily and took off on one foot shooting and rolling. I froze in my tracks when I saw Chara absorb a human soul. She must have been part demon to absorb it. But she didn't transform into anything. My aim had to be perfect for this shot at Chara. The whole war could be over if I shoot their leader. I held the gun up. My hands shook so badly I almost dropped the gun. The sweat on my palms wasn't helping. I bit my jaw and aimed the gun at Chara who started to lift off the ground. My mouth got dry as I wrapped my fingers around the trigger. I shot, there was a flash of light and a loud bang. The bullet nicked Chara's ear. She swung around. I felt more scared then the fight with Sans or when Asriel died and came back to life. Chara locked eyes with me. "You." She said and started towards me. She stopped twenty yards from me and held out her hand. The ground exploded next to me making me lose my balance. I steady myself and looked up. I screamed when I saw three boxes flying at me like a bullet. I locked my knees and widened my eyes as they got close. I let out a high pitched scream. Someone tackled me and put there head by mine. "Get up and run! We need to fall back! We're losing people!" It as Asriel. He pulled me up. I was still frozen in fear. "For gods sake I'll just carry you." He picked me up as more ground exploded. What was Chara doing right now. Asriel bolted away dodging bullets and metal boxes that exploded and spewed a vibrant green liquid. When the bullets stopped I passed out. Asriel clutched my limp body and dove into a bush.
"Frisk wake up". Asriel shook me. My eyes snapped open and I jolted up screaming. "Frisk calm down! It's okay." Asriel's soft eyes stared into mine. "Well... Everything isn't okay." He said his lip quivering. "What's Wong Asriel?" I was scared to what would come next. "My mother is missing." He clapped his hand over his mouth. My heart sunk deep into my chest. I looked around the dark room. The tiles on the ground made my back ache. Alphys stood up next to me. I didn't realize she injected me with a healing liquid. There was a squeal and a metal door opened letting moonlight in. Toriel stumbled in and collapsed. Screams rang out and me and Asriel ran to her side. "Oh my god! Someone help!" Tears ran down my face. She looked up at us teary eyed. "It's okay my children." She sobbed. "Don't cry. It was destined to happen." She rolled over revealing a large gash across her chest. More screaming. "I love you... And your father..." Her eyes became hard and grip on our hands loosening as the blood dropped into a pool on the ground. "Someone help her!" Asriel screamed at the top of his lungs. Alphys ran over and kneeled by her checking Toriel's pulse. "No... No no no." She said stumbling back. "I understand." Toriel said quietly. "I'm to far gone... G-goodbye... My.... Children... I. . . . Lo... Ve... Y-y." Her eyes became glossy and her grip loosened. Everyone sobbed as she bled out. Toriel slowly started to burst into dust. Asgore closed her eyes for her and squeezed his fists crying. "I need to be alone." He stumbled into a room. I stared at Toriel emotionless. I couldn't do or feel anything. I stared blankly at my dead mother. Someone dragged me away before I freaked out but I didn't care. I was also to far gone. Like Toriel.

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