6 - Cathy

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Max had nothing left to speak. He was supporting Cathy, fighting back with Ashley and Cathy ruined it all. She decided it wasn’t worth it. She did not want to stand there and watch two people she barely knew talk about her and argue.

Cathy softly smiled at Max and left him speechless as she walked away from the lake and out unto the concrete road away from the party. Max did not follow her because he didn’t know what to say and Cathy didn’t care either what Ashley or Max thought about her getting pissed off like that.

The night had barely begun and she was already stranded in the middle of a deserted road trying to catch a cab.

After probably waiting for half an hour, she did finally get a taxi and she hopped into it, asking the man to stop exactly outside The Bar.

“That will be 22 dollars” The cab driver turned around and told her once Cathy reached her destination.

Cathy pulled out the needed money and handed it over to him. She got out quickly balancing before she would trip because of her high heels and the alcohol that was hitting her now.

There was no huge line outside The Bar tonight. Cathy was happy she wouldn’t have to wait in a drunken state just to get in to have one cocktail since she knew that was all she could afford.

The loud exciting music was pulling her in and without a second thought she began to walk towards the entrance. The sun shines for everybody, every single day. It’s the moon that is moody. Sometimes still in the sky, sometimes not there at all and yet its light is the most romantic thing in the world. Is life like that? Like the moon? Cathy wondered as she entered The Bar, drunk and sick to her stomach after everything that had happened a few hours ago. Is life moody?

The ambience was captivating. Cathy stood there, holding her purse and taking in the surrounding around her. It was so beautiful and so royal inside. The entire bar was dark with the colour purple. It had a small performance stage at the right corner. There were table all around for people who wanted to eat food and drink and as usual there was a huge bar at the centre of the room touching the wall. The place looked barely occupied from outside but inside, the entire bar was buzzing with people; happy, drunk, cheerful people.

Cathy found a comfortable seat on a high stool at the bar which had blue LED lights hidden under its well - polished wood. She smiled excited at the bottles that so stylishly hung at the wall in front of her. She felt like a queen being presented with all the kind of poisons just so she could take her pick.

She took a look around her and loved the way the entire place was lit up and the velvety carpet on the floor had trippy designs over it. The place looked expensive, she thought, so would the drinks be.

Cathy looked around the bar to see if she could find the menu. She did find a beer soaked one at the bartender’s station in front of her.

Cathy read the interesting names of the drinks in the menu that were so reasonably priced surprisingly to her and came to a conclusion that she would try the dry martini. She had always heard about it but had never tried it.

“Hello there!” A surprising voice echoed from very loving person.

Cathy looked up from the menu, straight into the eyes of a bald yet smart American in front of her.

“Hi” she smiled.

“So, have you decided what you want to drink tonight?” he asked her while he was pouring some beer into five fat glasses.

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