5 - Cathy

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It was just another sunny day in Chicago but Cathy thought today was an extremely lucky day for her. She wore her favourite blue mini skirt and black lacy top to college. She had left hair open and applied her amazingly - subtle yet noticeable Mac lip gloss and wore a nice pair of ballerinas.

“Don’t you look hot today?” Mina commented as she sipped her coffee over the kitchen table once Cathy walked out of her room.

“I feel superb today and I guess that’s why I dressed up a bit” Cathy giggled grabbing her bag and opening the front door. “Wish me luck” she sighed.

“For what?”

“For finding love” Cathy winked and walked out the door.

Cathy crossed her long sexy legs and leaned forward to pay attention to the teacher. She would occasionally eye Max Bane who was a few rows away from her, sketching as usual. She looked at the way his fingers would often dig into his rough brown hair and pull at them while he made steady strokes on his paper. She loved his body, so strong and yet relaxed. His lips were his best features she thought. The way they drooped, it was an amazing sight.

The hall - bell grabbed Cathy’s attention and she looked ahead to see the teacher pack up her materials and the other kids in the room leave. Max was still sketching but at any moment he would stop and leave before she had the guts to go up to him and say ‘hello’.

She struggled to find the strength she needed but her butt was still nailed to her bench.

“Get up” she said to herself still looking at Max.

Max put his pencil down and shut his book. He was about to get up when Ashley walked up to him and started to flirt around. Cathy just kept on staring. She suddenly realised one thing, maybe Max Bane, friend - requested her because she was a class mate and nothing else. She neither intrigued him nor was attractive to him. All of a sudden Cathy’s heart sunk in her chest and she told herself, it was pointless trying to talk to a guy who was that perfect. What the hell was she thinking!

 She began to push her stuff into her bag ready to leave and tears were welling up, because she was mad herself for being this naïve. Cathy got up with force, using the anger as a factor that would help her stay strong, at least till she got home.

 It was only when she got up, with her heavy bag that her chest banged into another person’s body.

“Excuse me –

“Hi” Max smiled holding her arms to make sure she was okay.

Cathy’s heart stopped. She couldn’t believe it. She was baffled that Max was standing so close to her, wasn’t he just speaking to Ashley?

“Hi!” she confidently replied.

“So, thank you” Max spoke ahead, letting go of her arms.

“For what?”  Cathy looked confused.

“For accepting my friend request”

“Oh, haha, of course! You are my classmate!” She was acting cool.

“Well, I hope you’re coming for the party tonight?”

“What party?” Cathy tried to recall if she was invited for something like that…

“Oh, didn’t you get the invite?”


“It’s a party taking place at the old lake, downtown, 8 pm. The entire class is coming, I can’t believe you didn’t know about it” Max looked shocked.

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