Day Two,
I'll tell you right now, I do not like most things here. But you know what else? It's better than being home. Everything here is just running on a tight schedule and after another day or two I could follow this freaking routine in my sleep, walking backwards. I dislike routines like this, it's like you're stuck in a rut and can't get out; by following this you're making a deeper rut, and pretty damn soon you're gonna bury yourself alive. It's ridiculous. Also I haven't seen another patient here. They have this weird policy that I'll have to get used to how things work before I'm allowed with the others. Like right now it's like midday, so everyone else is in the common room, or in the garden. Meanwhile, I'm stuck here.
Oh! Did I tell you? No I don't think I told you, this is a journal that I'm supposed to write all my feelings in and crap. Yeah, it's supposed to help me feel "better" and "lower my intensity". Also I'm supposed to write down when I get angry so I don't accidentally take it out on someone. Apparently, I'm too much for some people. I guess that's another reason why I'm in here. The Wizard told me all that crap and more yesterday, and I have to meet with him everyday for a week, and then three or two times a week. Until I see him regularly once a week, if I don't need it more than that. He also told me I have to sign off like how you would a letter after every entry. You know what I did at that point? I started laughing my "crazy" head off. He didn't like that very much. The Wizard doesn't like to show emotion, from what I've seen, but I knew because his left eye twitched. I'm going to crack him. He doesn't know it, but I will. Oh! I got to go.... I can't believe I'm doing this but....
Signed, an unstable girl. (It's good right? I know, I know, I'm a genius.)

Day Two Continued,
Well never mind. The Wizard does know I'm planning to crack him. See what he failed to mention was that he would be reading these so called journal entries. So looks like I'll have to do my brainstorming elsewhere. See his reasoning is that they gave me this journal, so they'll be reading it, with or without my permission. That's a bunch of bull if I've ever heard any. They probably just want to keep a close eye on everything. Huh, that means he saw that I still had my iPod, and he didn't take it. Maybe they don't care because they know I can't do anything with it? I better keep it hidden really well though, just incase. No I won't tell you where, you sneak! Oh wait! The Wizard also said that after awhile, he would only read my journal once in awhile. Did that make sense? To me it did. Guess that's another thing to prove I'm "crazy". Anyway, yeah after telling me that, he again tried to justify himself and he said, by me actually signing my name, that would have meant that I accepted the "crazy" in me, and by doing that I can begin my "healing process". Question though Wizard, If I don't think there's anything wrong, how can I be healed? Ponder that ye old bag.
signed, your owner.

Day Three,
The Wizard doesn't like when I insult him. His eye is always twitching when I do. Honestly though can you blame me? I mean I'm stuck here with barely any entertainment. What am I supposed to do? Grab a water bottle and throw it at the guards and nurses and scream, "Have some Holy Water you filthy animals!" Yeah, I don't think that would turn out well, but I'll keep it in mind for when I reach extreme boredom. We'll probably reach that very soon my dear friend. I'll also have to come up with more clever pranks and stuff. Do you want to know what else the wizard told me? He said that pretty soon, like tomorrow probably, I'll go into the common room for the first time and get to see the other patients. Oh joy! Gee golly, I can't contain my excitement that is eating me alive! If you don't catch that there, then I have no choice but to fire you. After he said that he explained a few rules. Which I'm going to recite for you:
Stay where the nurses/guards can see you, don't go out of sight.
No violence. Absolutely, positively, no violence.
If you're permitted to go into the garden, no splashing in the fountain.
This isn't a resort, you should be doing something productive. (We have a key word here folks - should.)
Finally, no touching. As in no touching the other patients, you can interact, but even a simple leg brush or accidental brush is forbidden.

I'm sure there are many more than what I have, but I never really pay attention. Well most of these rules are extremely obvious, but then others are like why? Like why would I go splashing in the garden? Does it really get that hot here? I don't think so. What's with the no touching? Does it make the other patients go into a fit of rage? Do they start throwing chairs? That'd be cool to see, but also dangerous, really dangerous... Well looks like I'm sticking to that rule. Don't want any chairs thrown at me now. Ha... Also there are medications I have to take, and here's the thing, this place has a time where they give all the patients their medicine. No sooner, and no later than that set time. Isn't that something? Well I'm off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Riverlake.
signed, someone you know.

The Night Between Three and Four,
It is now day 506, and lack of water will be the legitimate death of me. It's been awhile since I've had anything in my digestive system. I'm cold, starving, and thinner than a stupid mint and chocolate cookie. You know I hate them so much, they're so dang thin. Do you know why they're so dang thin? So that the consumer will eat more of the minty chocolate, and therefore kill a whole box more quickly, and then pay more money on more boxes that they'll keep killing faster than the average package of any other cookie. It's freaking genius, and that's why I hate those stupid minty cookies. I had you going for a minute at the beginning there, didn't I? I would have convinced you too had it not been for my rant on those cookies, gosh, I really hate those stupid cookies. You know I think I'll stick to "Day whatever". I don't really like the whole long header thing. If I knew what time it was, I would have put whether it was day three or day four but I honestly don't know. I can't sleep. I hope this doesn't happen often. I could listen to my iPod but it's so far away, and I don't want to escape the heat of my blanket which is the only thing keeping me alive.
signed, someone you know.

Day Four,
Wizard said that today is the day. I pretended to not know what that meant, and to not know what he was talking about. Honestly, I could've stalled for longer but I didn't sleep much and I just wasn't on my game. Anyway, any minute now there's gonna be nurses here, at my door, to escort me to the common room to introduce me to the others. Oh gee golly! How I cannot wait! Seriously though, I'm nervous, and I have no clue why. I mean, they're just people right?

Day Five,
I didn't get the chance to sign at the end, because at that moment the guards were at my door. That's right, guards. Not nurses, like I was told. Stupid, idiotic - wizard, just tapped my book and told me to write what I'm actually supposed to. I have to "record my actions" that took place yesterday, when guards, not nurses, came to escort me to the common room:
After revealing that it was infact guards and not nurses at my door, we left my room to begin our adventure towards the common room. Only we didn't get very close to our destination. I had started to freak out a little bit, that and because I was being escorted by guards, and I simply acted out. There was one guard on each side, so to my left and to my right. I apparently decided I did not want to go to the common room at all, and I caused a mess. I tripped the guy to my left, and he ate the floor. His buddy, tried to tackle me and restrain me, but I dodged out of the way. He landed on top of his friend who eats tile for lunch. He quickly got up and tried to get me again. This time I again dodged but straight into a wall. Like I threw myself against the wall; now my left side is covered in bruises. After that I lost my own footing, and fell backwards. It was a nice trip. That's all I can remember. However according to the nurse, the guard whom I dodged carried me here because I hit my head against the wall and floor, and I was out for the count.
There ya go wizard. That's all that occurred yesterday. I completely freaked out, if there was a table near me, I would've flipped it. I'm not even joking here. Since I hit my head, you know against the wall, I was out for the rest of the day yesterday, and woke up just a little bit ago, before telling you this. Apparently I have a minor concussion and I stayed in the infirmary all yesterday, and it's gonna be for all today as well. Oh goodie for me! Looks like I'm gonna get to be best friends with the nurse here. Oh how lucky am I?
signing off. (had to change this again as well.)

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