2. Sleepovers ft. The Wiggles

Start from the beginning

I get home and I study a bit, with music blasting through my phone connected to some speakers. A playlist I made titled MY FIRE MIXTAPE. This playlist consists of some 5sos (obviously) some TØP, panic!, Troye, Melanie, Halsey, Lana, Bvb, some old bands, and some other songs I like.

My phone vibrates and I see it's a 5sos update about their tour. I fangirl. Yeah, this wasn't just a phase mom.


When I closed my school book I remembered that my mom wanted me to try in a dress she bought me.

She wants me to wear it when the family comes over for my birthday.

So I pull it out of its bag. It's a white dress with blue and red flowers all over it. It's a simple dress but it is really pretty.

I take off my black skinny jeans and I take off my red tee, leaving me in a black bra and panties.

I glance in my long mirror hanging on my wall, then put my head down and slip on the dress.


The dress fits me perfectly, it hugs all of my curves (which aren't very curvy at all). It kind of makes my chest look good. I am only a size A, maybe a B. I do have a toned/some what muscled body thanks to dance but it makes my thighs look really big and

Never mind. I like how I look in this dress, it makes me feel good.

I take the dress off and I relax for a bit. Then I had diner, read a bit, slept, and woke up to start a new day.


I am waiting out side of my school after the home bell rang to wait for Emily. She is sleeping over today!

Emily is wearing blue jeans, and a pastel pink turtle neck. She recently dyed her hair brown and I really like it. She always looks really nice, simple and neat.

"HEYY" I scream when I see her walking towards me.

"Hi" she replied with an awkward hand wave thing.

We then burst into giggles. That is basically our relationship. We only have each other here, and we need each other.

"Did I mention that I really like you with brown hair?" I say.

"Yes like 40 times, thank you" she says.

I've grown to realize that I enjoy complimenting people, it makes me feel happy.

"You look super cute today" she says to me.

All I am wearing is a big oversized baby blue sweater with black leggings and blue converse. My brown hair slightly wavy after dong nothing to it when I got out of the shower this morning.

"Oookkkkk" I say and we laugh.

She is probably just being nice.

When we get to my house, we talk and eat and watch a couple of shows. After an episode of supernatural, I decide to play a little game.

"Ok why don't we do this thing where we would say a category, and then we each have to say a thing that fits in the category that best describes each other" I say.

"Ok cool, we will call it 'catescribe' ya know like if the words category and describe had a ship name" Emily says.

"THATS GENIUS" I exclaim.

"Why thank you" Emily replies.

"Okay first category: food" I offer.

"You would beeeeeeee...Lasagna" she said.

"Why ? Because it's my favourite food?" I say with laughter.

"No because you have layers, and each one is different and awesome, and because there is a lot going on inside you, a lot of good traits" she says.

I was taken aback. That is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, and it's about lasagna. Emily is really thoughtful and great.

"You are like ice cream, nice looking, sophisticated, but then sweet, fun and crazy" I say.

She laughs.

"This is fun" she says and I agree.

"Okay next category: bands" she says.

"You are defiantly 'He is We'" I say.


"I don't know! It's like your aura radiates He is We!" I say. And we laugh.

"You would be.........the wiggles" she says and I bursted out laughing.


"I'm kidding! You are obviously 5sos" she says.

"No ew I hate them" I say, jokingly.

Just then my mom hollers to us from downstairs indicating that dinner was ready. We head down stairs and we have a nice family dinner. Emily is always welcome, sometimes I think my parents like her more than me. She is just super nice.

After that we just hung out and had a good time. Today was a pretty good day to say the least.


Hey guys ! How do you like it so far?? Comment your thoughts! Or anything you'd like me to tell you or explain about the story so far!

Btw I wanted to show you guys this,

This is what Emily looks like :

So yeah I hope you guys are enjoying this! Tootles

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So yeah I hope you guys are enjoying this! Tootles

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