Holding Onto You Chapter 10

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"Actually yeah something did happen. I kind of discovered something. Something that was bothering me for quite a while. I finally figured it all out." He said, sounding quite happy. "And I was going to tell you when school started but you seemed occupied so I didn't bother." He looked at Hunter sleeping in my arms and I frowned.

"Finn, Hunter is only with me during school. We've hung out so many times these few weeks, you cannot tell me you didn't get a chance to talk to me. But today you're not leaving until you tell me what's been going on." He cannot blame Hunter for taking up all my time.

"I know, you just seemed so distant. I didn't know how to approach you with this." He paused for a moment and said, "I'm gay."

I looked at him completely astounded. He can't be serious. He just can't. What's going on here. Did some fairy come to town and sprinkle gay dust on every guy I know? I explain to Hunter what being gay means, he thinks he's gay. I tell Brian not to tell anyone I kissed Hunter, he tells me he's gay and in love with me. And now from all the things for Finn to tell me, surprise he tells me he's gay. What next, is Mr. Edwards my 'I'm such a tough man don't mess with me' coach going to actually turn out to be a woman?

"Let me guess, you love me. You're in love with me and you have been for quite a while." I told him, not bothering to hide my amusement. This is just unbelievable.

"Well actually, I'm not in love with you, but I really like you. I want to be in a relationship with you." He said sheepishly.

"Why Finn, why are you doing this?" Can't he just be my best friend.

"You act like you weren't expecting it." he shouted, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. He seemed to be doing that a lot.

"Not so loud, Hunter will wake up." I tried to block his mouth with my hand but he held it away.

"Don't bother putting your hand over my mouth to shut me up, I will lick you." He smiled, holding my hand in his.

"Obviously..." Hunter stirred in his sleep and I stopped talking until he was still again. "Obviously I wasn't expecting this Finn. I mean come on dude you're my best friend. And I'm not even gay. At least I don't think I am. It's already so complicated and you're confusing me even more. I can't handle all these confessions. I've had enough of all this gay drama for one day." I told him, sighing deeply. My head was starting to pain.

"Confessions? What are you talking about, who else told you what I just told you? Who else likes you Vince?" he asked, sounding worried and pissed.

"Look Finn it doesn't matter." I intercepted hoping he would just drop it.

"Fine. So what are the chances of us being together?" He probably already knew the answer but held onto the little hope he had.

"Highly improbable." I replied honestly.

"Well I guess it was quite foolish of me to believe that there was a chance of us being together. I just needed you to know how I feel, and I'm also going to apologize to Hunter. I've been an ass to him because of how close he is to you. He didn't even know what being gay means. He's so innocent and pure." He said. "Don't you feel like you becoming Hunter's guide signifies something?" He asked.

"You're right Finny it signifies something. I also think so, but I don't know what. I'll figure that out and get back to you." I said, puzzled.

"Don't call me Finny you know I hate it." He punched my arm trying to sound angry but his growing smile gave him away.

"Oh I know you love it when I call you Finny, just like how you love me." I joked, punching him back.

"Ahh humour based on my pain, you don't have any pills to cure my heartbreak do you?" He said, trying to sound like he was joking but I knew he was genuinely hurting. And it's not just from today. How could I not notice?

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