"No. Leave."

"Tehran doesn't mind that you're a little bit gassy. Strangely, he finds it cute, I promise."


"Is this about the watermelon thing?" he sounded exasperated.

I sniffed.

"Skyler are you worried about getting fat?!" 

I whimpered as he let out a bellowing laughter.

"Even if you do get fat, Tehran is still going to look at you like you hung the moon and the stars. Nothing is going to change. Besides when the baby is out, you can just work hard to get the weight off. Everything is going to be fine. Your body is adjusting so that your baby would be comfortable," he softly explained. 

He sighed at my lack of response.

"How about I go get Tehran so he can talk to you?" 

"No!" I screamed. I didn't want him to see me like this.

"No?" he sounded puzzled, "Did you eat one of those funky mushrooms again? Skyler we told you to stay away from them. And you're pregnant, those mushrooms are not-"

"No," I flushed. I found those mushrooms while out on a rare run by myself. I was hungry and they looked edible. I suffered hallucinations for three days.

He sighed in frustration and got up.

"I'm getting Tehran.  I can't deal with all this hormonal shit."


"Baby open the door," Tehran knocked on the bedroom door.

I gulped and looked towards the window. I went to the window and looked down. It wasn't a high jump but but I didn't want to harm my baby. I opened the window and shifted to my leopard.

My leopard disagreed wholeheartedly with what I was about to do.  I knew we could make it if we climbed down the tree that was next to our window.

I took a deep breath and leaped for the branch,  landing softly as the leaves ruffled. I quietly climbed down and looked around the yard.

There were pack members about and they were looking at me strangely and with worry. Tehran had announced to them that I was pregnant and that I was meant to take it easy for the six months that the baby would be developing in my belly.

I could tell that they were about to come to me and I wasn't in the mood. I hightailed it out of there and went to the pack hospital where it seemed I spent the majority of my time with Tehran's father. I knew the pack would inform Tehran of my whereabouts but I just needed some time to gather my thoughts.

"Skyler, how are you?" Tehran's father was at the reception desk. He didn't even turn around and I pouted.

When he was done, he turned to me and frowned at the look on my face.

"What's wrong pup?" He came to me and pet my head. I purred at his attention, "your ears are all flat. Do you want to shift and tell me what's wrong?"

I shook my head. It wouldn't make any sense. I could barely speak a full sentence on a good day. The frustration at myself just kept building.

"How about you help me make my rounds?"

I purred gratefully. He chuckled, gave my head one last pet and walked away with me following quickly at his heels. 

"Just don't overwhelm my patients. Today we're going to just visit and chat. Sometimes it does get a bit depressing being in the hospital so talking to them helps them. You can stay in the corner or by their bedside just being your cute self."

I looked at him puzzled.

"My patients aren't just pups Skyler," he laughed, "Weres may be tough but they're not invincible."


To say that my mate was mad was an understatement.

"You jumped 30 feet," he gasped, "From the fucking window!"

"Climb tree," I interjected quietly, "Not far."

"Then you practically sacrificed your self by going to the hospital that's crawling with all sorts of diseases!"

"Not comt-cont-contag" I huffed and tried again. My mate's father said that whenever I hit a block, to just pause and start again, "Not contagious."

"What is going on Skyler?! I feel so useless. I know something's wrong but I can't fix it unless you tell me what it is," he knelt down and placed his head on my lap, "Is it the pregnancy?"

I ran my hands through his hair and shook my head. It hurt lying to my mate but what was I supposed to say?

"Liar," he whispered.

I gulped and stilled my hands.

"We're supposed to be in this together baby. I want to be with you every step of the way. Just talk to me. The last few days have been such a whirlwind of activities and I'm struggling to keep up."

"Fat," I whispered.


I crossed my arms and pouted. I wasn't going to say it again.

"Skyler, I don't care."

I looked down into his shining orbs and I bit my lip.

"Baby, I don't care. Nothing is going to change how I feel about you. Absolutely nothing. I love you and I will love you no matter what. I promise."


I know this chapter is shorter than the others...or is it? I feel like it is.

I have some good/bad news...The Alpha and His Leopard is coming to an end. Just one more official chapter and then the epilogue.

I hate when authors drag books out and insert like ten million climaxes (like someone all of a sudden gets kidnapped by their long lost grandfather's bastard child who he made with the maid. Then all of a sudden, like magic, this grandson reappears and boom...ten more chapters).

Therefore it would be hypocritical of me to unnecessarily drag this book out.  

I may possibly include my characters in my other works but for now their plot line is almost done. For some reason I've become attached to my characters so I doubt I can let them go completely.

I would like to thank you all so much for sticking with me to the very end and after this, I promise no more long author notes on this book.

Thank you guys so very much!!!!

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