{{Do Better}}

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//Caroline's POV\\

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//Caroline's POV\\

My wake up call for the morning was the sunlight shining directly onto my eyelids, causing me to groan and slowly turn my head. Most of what happened the past few hours prior to me passing out was all a blur to me, so to say that I was confused to as why there was a noticable weight on my body was befuddling to my hazy mind. Well, the random weight and the fact that I knew I wasn't in my own bed.

"What the hell...?" I slowly opened my eyes to find that I was on a couch with a dog laying on me. "Chica?" At first I was uncertain if the dog laying on me was in fact Mark's dog but I got my confirmation as the dog perked her ears up and looked at me. Not only did seeing Markiplier's dog laying on me throw me off but also seeing and realizing that I wasn't in my room at Matthias' house was confusing me. "The hell happened again?" Before I could get anymore answers, Chica start to lick my face several times, causing me to let out some laughter as she did. "Aww such a good puppers!"

Chica's attention quickly turned to the entry of the living room as someone stepped into the living room. "So this is where you've been Chica? You traitor! I'm your father! You just met her!" Mark stood at the edge of the couch while having a playful pout on his lips and his arms crossed in front of him, bedhead still very much present. This is a Mark not many people got to see I'm assuming.

"I can't help it if she loves me more than you Markimoo." I teased playfully while scratching Chica behind the ears while she was panting happily. I decided to just go along with whatever was happening here considering my memory is a bit hazy at the moment.

"Whatever." Mark grumbled while eyeing me. "Anyway! How ya feeling? You knocked out in the middle of us playing Rocket League." Mark chuckled while moving my feet so he could sit on the couch with me but after moving my feet, he placed them back in his lap. Ah, so that's what happened. That was after Matt and Ryan decided to call it a night..

I shrugged slightly. "I'm... okay I guess. I guess I was just overwhelmed with actually being able to meet you and befriend you is all. Yeah I know I'm Matthias's cousin, I just never thought that I would be meeting any of his YouTube friends. To be honest with you, the whole thing is still processing through my brain."

Once Mark processed what I just said to him, he looked mildly surprised. "What? Why were you overwhelmed with meeting and befriending me Caroline??" After he asked that a silence fell upon us for awhile and that was because I didn't know what to say to him. I wasn't ready to tell someone, let alone Mark himself, that he's one of the reasons why I'm still holding on by a thread. He's one of the reasons why I haven't fully listened to the demons in my head. He's one of the reasons why I'm still alive. "Caroline?"

I looked up from my hands that were fiddling with each other and into the warm, soft brown eyes of Mark, only to notice that Mark was now sitting next to me instead on the other side of the couch where I remember him being. I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice that he moved. "I," I paused before I could go any further to take a deep breath and collect my thoughts the best I could, "I got overwhelmed because you're one of the reasons why I haven't fully given into the demons inside of my head." Before I could say anymore, a pair of strong, warm arms wrapped themselves around me and a heap of red hair was now resting against my own vibrantly colored hair.

Matthias's Little Cousin •A Markiplier Story• {{SLOW UPDATES}}Where stories live. Discover now