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Beautiful music drifted across the large room, as a small orchestra played their pieces. The mess hall had been transformed to fit the occasion. The room was lit up by a large crystal chandelier and small white lights that drifted close to the tall ceiling.

The students and teachers were scattered across the room, happily chatting away at their tables. They were dressed in brightly colored attires and adorned with beautiful accessories. In one part of the room, the Celestial Twelve were gathered at their table, dressed in the trade mark colors of their continents.

"Tamara, Elfre, Genevieve, and Valeriana are late," Charles said as he fixed his glasses. He wore an aqua blue coat and trousers, with a white cravat wrapped around his neck loosely. Their eyes fell on Aneeka, who was the only female with them.

"They told me to come ahead. They were finishing up on Valeriana," she told them as she ran her hand over the white material of her gown. She tucked loose strand of hair behind her ear that escaped from her up do. Her eyes drifted across the room to where Kylon was busy trying to get Seraphina to notice him. She chuckled when he saw him succeed, but received an icy glare from the lady knight instead.

"Let's dance," Rowe asked as he held a hand out to her. The silver embroidery on his white coat shined under the light as he moved. Aneeka couldn't turn him down and allowed him to take her to the dance floor.

Not a couple minutes later though, most of them left the table to enjoy themselves. Corvan was left behind with a pokerfaced Brindon, and Keelan who seemed to only have the intentions of eating all through the duration of the ball.

"Sorry we took so long," they heard Tamara say. The three of them turned their heads towards their direction.

"Wow, you guys look beautiful," Keelan said after swallowing a mouthful of food.

"Beautiful," Brindon echoed.

Corvan didn't seem to hear them as he fixed his eyes on Valeriana. It wasn't the first time he saw her in a dress, remembering the time she was summoned by the king. Like the first time, he was speechless and just stared at her, thinking that her beauty was incomparable to any girl he had met. His heart raced, but he had not felt tired one bit.

She wore a bright red off-shouldered gown with intricate patterns of gold from the hem of the skirt to her sides. A few strands of her hair were pulled back in an intricate braid, while the rest fell softly passed her shoulders. Her make-up was natural, with a light pink blush on her cheeks. She wore fingerless gloves that covered the dark spot on her palm.

Did the others see it too? Corvan thought. But that thought fled his mind when his eyes landed on the Wylden Cosmos on her ring finger.

Coincidentally, her look tonight matched his red attire that was also embroidered with gold patterns. He took a glance at the other female members of the Circle, wondering if they had anything to do with it.

"Well, we'll see you guys later," Tamara said as she hooked her arms with Genevieve and dragged her away.

Raziel popped out of nowhere in his orange flamboyant outfit, and dragged his "little elf" towards the dance floor. Elfre wasn't thrilled about it about it one bit.

Valeriana stood there watching the sixth and seventh ranker as they tried to join in on the dance floor while they argued.

"Valeriana," she heard Corvan call. He had pulled out a seat for her to take, which was right next to him. Stopping herself from gawking at how handsome he was tonight, she made her way to sit. But once she got there, she immediately wished she had followed after Tamara and Genevieve.

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