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I'll be posting part two in the next few minutes so look out for it.

"Finally...!" Charles yelled. He had just gotten inside after talking with somebody from DevDept.

He was in a very jolly mood, which was a weird sight considering he always wore a serious expression on his face. In his hand, he held a small glass bottle that contained yellow liquid.

Apparently, Tamara, Keelan, Elfre, Raziel, Aneeka and Rowe noticed this.

"Why, suddenly so ecstatic Mr. Grumpy-Demon?" Tamara asked, as she leaned on the couch she was occupying.

The sun had barely risen from the horizon, and it was still dark out. They had to wake up early for their classes, unlike the rest of the rankers.

Charles chose to ignore the insult, not letting it ruin his current mood.

"I just got this from an acquaintance in DevDept. And I've been waiting for it for weeks now," he said. At the same time, he lifted the bottle and carefully held the neck to dangle it in his hold.

"Oh wee...it's a bottle of yellow liquid that looks like puss. Everybody be happy!" Tamara said sarcastically.

The other rankers ignored her though, and focused on the bottle.

"What is it?" Keelan asked. As always, he stuffed his face with some food right after.

"It's a special substance that will enhance any object's qualities by tenfold. All it takes is one drop," he said, with a proud smile on his face.

"I take it you helped in forming it?" the second ranker asked. Judging by the slightly smug look on Charles, they got their answer.

Meanwhile, Brindon came into the lobby carrying a small fat jar in his hand. On the outside, the words "GLUE" were written on it.

He was eyeing it confusedly, since he found it in the box from Val's package. It would seem that she had forgotten about it.

The twins came barreling down the stairs. Genevieve was in pursuit of her brother with an angry frown on her face.

"Get back here!" she yelled. They whizzed by the lobby all the way to the door. It opened and closed with a loud bang, and the rankers could hear the ninth ranker's outraged screams from outside.

"Seriously, it's so early in the morning," Elfre said, as she shook her head. Her statement was proven true again, a few moments later.

Loud yells caused them to turn their attention to the stairs. As usual, Corvan and Valeriana were at it again. They all sighed and shook their heads.

They figured to just let them be.

Once they were in the lobby, they were still obviously fuming. But for some reason, they chose to keep quiet.

"Valeriana," Brindon called.

The fifth ranker snapped her head to the twelfth at the sound of his blank voice.

"Yes, Brindon?" she asked.

He lifted the jar, and she cocked her head in confusion, before reaching for it.

"Why would mom pack me some glue?" she asked, once the jar was in her hands.

"What's 'glue'?" Keelan asked, slowly rolling the foreign word on his tongue.

"Oh...it's used for sticking paper together. Sometimes, it does the same for wood too," Val said.

"You mean it's some sticky substance?" Charles asked as he slowly approached. The rest of the twelve also did the same.

Valeriana opened it, and showed the white contents of it. "You can touch it," she said grinning. The rankers didn't like the look on her face.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "It is okay guys, see," she said. She reached into the container, and pulled her hand out. Some parts of it, mostly the palm, were now covered in white liquid.

She played around with it, showing them that it was harmless.

They all nodded and started moving away. Corvan on the other hand was shaking his head, as he rolled his eyes at their actions.

Just then, the door burst open again, with another bang, and the angered yells of Genevieve as she still ran after her brothers.

They trailed their eyes on the two, and watched as they ran around the lobby, knocking down some of the decorations, and toppling over some of the seats.

Charles got annoyed by their behavior and went to intercept them.

"Stop it this instant―"

But instead of listening to him, the twins passed him, bumping on either of his sides so hard that he tumbled back.

The bottle got thrown towards Corvan's direction. On instinct, he caught it in his left hand before it could land on his face.

It would seem that he didn't know his own strength because he ended up breaking it. The yellow contents spilled out all over his hand. For some miracle, his hands weren't injured by the broken glass.

Charles' eyes widened at this. "I was going to use it to improve the qualities of my ingredients," he said.

The twins still didn't stop and they ran towards were Corvan and Val were standing. Like Charles, the both of them rammed on Val's sides, causing the girl to twirl and lose her footing.

Once again, Corvan acted on instinct. He let go of the bottle, and grabbed hold of Val's left hand, ignoring the fact that it was covered in glue.

He pulled her up, just before she could fall on the carpeted floor. He exerted too much strength that Val ended up flushed against his hard chest.

The whole lobby fell silent, and the twins stopped running around and watched the first and fifth ranker.

Charles seemed to be the only one to notice the faint yellow glow that came from their connected hands.

"Oh...Larkov," he muttered. He immediately figured that this will be bad.

Meanwhile, Val looked up at the first ranker, who also seemed surprised at his own actions. Their faces were so close that if Corvan would just lean down a bit, their lips will be touching.

Val's face flamed at those thoughts, and she broke away. But, her attempt failed when she couldn't take her hand back.

The rankers now had their brows tossed to their hairlines as their eyes landed on their first and fifth's connected hands.

Some, including the twins, had faint grins on their faces. Val trailed her gaze back to Corvan.

"Um...you can let go now," she stammered as she tried to pull her hand back.

"I should be the one saying that," Corvan said. He also tried to pry his hand out of her hold.

"Let go Jerkwalden!" the fifth ranker yelled. "I'm not holding anything. You're the one who isn't letting go!" he yelled back.

They kept yelling at each other until, Charles' words stopped them.

"How about you look closely at your hands?" he said. The both of them stopped yelling and did as they were asked.

Val's jaw dropped while Corvan had an unreadable expression on his face.

Their palms were cleanly stuck together.

They slowly, ever slowly, trailed their sight back to each other.

They stared into each other's eyes for a couple of moments before they both yelled out.


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