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"Corval...!" the twins of the Celestial Circle yelled together.

"Valion...!" Elfre yelled back at them.

"Corval is better!" Zevlin yelled at Elfre.

"I prefer Valeriana and Zion!" the seventh ranker yelled at them. Her eyes were wide with fury, and you could feel breezes of wind blowing around her.

The other rankers, excluding Corvan and Valeriana, kept whipping their heads back and forth in between, all getting tired and wondering what started this.

The three of them rarely opened this argument about who would be the perfect lover for Valeriana. And when they did, it wasn't usually this heated.

"Can you three please calm down?" Rowe decided to be the first to intervene.

He had seen a few of the decorations being knocked lightly by the breezes from Elfre, and the light crackling of fire in Zevlin's clenched fist.

They ignored him though, as they continued to fight over the same thing.

"I don't get why you have to argue over this nonsense," Charles piped in.

The quarreling rankers turned to him slowly, with slit pupils.

"It is not nonsense!" they yelled as they appeared very close to him.

Charles was so startled that he jumped a foot back and his glasses fell off. Tamara laughed loudly, earning a glare from the fourth ranker.

"Valeriana's well-being is not nonsense, Charles!" Genevieve yelled at him.

"Yeah, weren't you the first among us, except Corvan, to actually care for her?" Zevlin added.

"We just want to pair her up with the right guy that would take good care of her!" Elfre said.

Raziel looked up from his reflection on his mirror. A smirk appeared on his face when he heard what the seventh ranker said.

"So does this mean that you are finally concerned about Valeriana's welfare, little elf?" he asked.

Elfre turned red for a few seconds before she yelled at him.

"I'm not the topic here, narcissist!" she said as she glared at him.

"Yeah the topic here is Corval!" Zevlin yelled.

"For the umpteenth time, it's Valion!" Elfre yelled.

The rest of the rankers sighed.

Ever since they had watched all those movies on Val's laptop, they had adapted the term "shipping" as choosing of one pair of lovers.

The twins and Elfre seemed to be the ones who really took it to such lengths, and officially became the first couple shippers in Valemnia.

They continued on with this for a couple more minutes, their yelling getting louder and louder.

The poker-faced Brindon brought his hands to cover his ears.

"Noisy," he said blankly.

The rest of the Celestial Twelve nodded at his words, with pained ears as well.

Finally, Tamara had had enough.

She suddenly appeared in the middle of the three of them. As quick as lightning and as fluid as the water, she hit each one of them painfully on the back of the head.

It had nearly caused them to completely face plant on the carpeted floor.

They tried to glare at her, but they held themselves back when they saw the angry look she was giving them.

Celeste Academy Fanfic OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora