"What's up man?"Liam moved his head in an upward motion as he looked at the tattooed boy.

"Jack brought things to smoke, y'all down?"He asked, looking at all four of them.

"We'll see."The guy nodded, walking out.Liam and Zayn turned to Niall and Harry."Do you want to go?"

They looked at each other,"You guys go, we have are phones if we need anything."

"You sure?"Liam asked, a bit nervous.

"Yeah"Harry replied"Well probably go outside or something."

They walked out of the kitchen, leaving them alone."Let's grab a few more and try to find a quiet place, I don't think I can listen to this anymore ."


The pair soon found the back door, it was well lit and there were only about four people outside.The noisy music was a mere vibration now.Niall led them to a swing set that placed in corner of the land.

Harry set down the extra beer can as they sat down."I wasted a cute outfit for this."

"Same, I would have came in sweat if I'd know we were gonna be outside the whole time."

"And our boyfriends are inside smoking something.Great."Harry opened a new bottle, gulping it down.

Niall was a light weight, after two he started to feel it.The blonde started to chuckle.Harry, still rather sober looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Yesterday, Liam said he missed his parents.I had to lie to him and tell him it was an okay thing to feel."Niall looked up at the stars ."Imagine, both of my parents are dead and I don't complain.I get that he's hurt but don't you think he shouldn't be complain to an orphan."Niall giggles, tears welling in his eyes.

Harry shook his head, not knowing how to respond."That's awful."

"The best part is, that I feel guilty for thinking that"

"How come?"Harry asked"You get to feel sad over your parents, you've been through hell having to fight your mom's illness with her at such a young age.But so does Liam, he lost his parents over his sexuality.Both have lost."

Niall stared around, quiet."I never thought Liam would smoke."

"Are you kidding me? Zayn smokes all the time.I've yet to smell him and him not smelling a bit like weed."

"I guess Liam does smell like weed mixed with his bad hygiene."Niall giggled.

"But what were they thinking? Taking us to a party with people we don't know and kinda scare me."

Niall shook his head, shrugging."I want to go home."

A guy began walking towards them, "Is this swing taken?"He asked, pointing to the hanging piece of plastic next to Niall.

Harry shook his head, taking another gulp."Who are you?"

"Mark"Niall turned, seeing he dressed similar to 100+ bodies inside."You guys?"

"Niall"The blonde pointed to himself"Harry "He pointed to his bestfriend.

"Why are you out here?"

"Probably for the same reason as you."Niall raised his brow, drinking some more.

Mark raised his brow, "Well, I can't stand the people in there, it smells like weed mixed with nasty beer smell.My girlfriend is inside dancing while taking ecstasy and I'm out here waiting for her to get tired."

"Our boyfriends are inside smoking while I'm complaining about my dead parents.So I think I won here"Niall laughed, Harry raised his brows, shaking his head as he tried to contain his laugh.

"Wow, sorry man."

"Nah"Niall responded,grabbing a bottle "Want one?"


It was almost one in the morning when Liam and Zayn came outside.Niall was completely drunk, Harry was semi-tipsy and Mark was sober yet had drunk more than both.

"Hey"Liam said lowly, looking at Mark with widen eyes."I know you from somewhere."

"Yeah, I go to the same school as you guys."Mark replied.

"Well, we're all going home.Do you need a ride home?"Zayn asked.

"Nah, I'm waiting for my girlfriend to be done."

"Alright man, good luck with that"

Niall was lifted up, his waist being wrapped around as Liam help him up."Bye bye Mark"Niall waved along with Harry.

Mark chuckled, waving back as he pulled out his phone.

The group walked back to there car"Who's the most sober?"Liam asked.

"Um, not me "Niall giggled.

"I'll drive"Zayn took the keys, helping his boyfriend into the front seat.He began to drive after everyone put their seat belts.

He drove to Harry's house, decided it was best since his parents weren't home.And no one could face their parents.

"Goodnight guys"

1290 words.
I feel like the book is almost over and I'm so sad.But I'll save the long emotional note till the end.

Alright guys, y'all know what to do.


Worry About Me Later •NiamWhere stories live. Discover now