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Liam rolled his eyes as he looked at the problems on the page.They were currently taking a test on the last unit.He looked up to see Niall already on the fifth problem while he was barely got the second one done .

He spent the rest of the class looking around in hopes of getting any help by the ridiculous posters that were posted on the walls of the room.

"Turn in your papers"The teacher called out from her desk.She was eating  her lunch as she glared at mostly everyone."And most of you guys are failing my class, if you don't step it up before the quarter is over.Were  lowering you to integrated math."

Liam sighed,"Hey Niall."

"What's wrong,Li?"Niall asked after putting away his pencil and leaning back in his chair.

"I checked online and I'm failing this class."Liam explained.

"I can help you, I mean I have a B but I can still help."Niall smiled, happy that he might be able to spend more time with Liam.

"Yeah, that'll be great.Do you think you can come over today?"Liam asked, having an equal enthusiastic grin on his face.

"I think so,I'll check with my mom.Do you need help on anything specific?"

As Niall walked next to Liam, they both held a basic conversation while they reached Liam's house.

When they finally stepped on Liam's front porch, Liam looked around as he noticed both his dad and mom's car weren't home.

"Are you hungry?"Liam asked once he opened the door, letting Niall in before himself.

"No,thank you."Niall said politely.

"Okay"Liam nodded"Let's go upstairs and we'll start."


About an hour of studying, Liam grew frustrated with the math he was being taught.Niall also was a bit aggravated by having to repeat why things are done that way or having to find words to simplify the explanation.But he kept himself calm.

"So you add the three to both sides."Niall said simply, grabbing Liam's pencil to write it down on his paper.

"Why?"Liam asked, seeming more confused.

"Because it keeps  it balanced."Niall explained.

"Can we take a break ?"Liam sighed, flopping back in his bed .After growing more frustrated.

Niall laughed before shaking his head.As Liam began to ramble about something.Niall took in the room, thinking it fit with Liam's personality.

A couple band posters scattered over Liam's white walls, the accents like he doorframe and the trim that bordered the wall and the floor were painted black.A queen sized bed with a black comforter and matching pillows.Also he had matching dark wood desk and drawers.Finally, a plasma TV on top of his drawer along with a play station.

"You have a nice room."He said absentmindedly.Liam stopped talking and raised himself up.

"um thanks."He smiled, his phone dinged.Liam glanced at it before swiping to the left and making the notification disappear from the front screen.As Niall attempted to glance at the phone, he noticed himself and Liam to be the background of his lock screen.

"Is that us?"Niall asked, suppressing a giggle when he saw Liam awkwardly bit the inside of his cheek.

"Um yeah I thought it was cool so I made it my lockscreen."Liam looked around the room, not making eye contact with Niall as he half lied his way out the accusation.

Worry About Me Later •NiamWhere stories live. Discover now