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The funeral was today, Niall looked at himself in the mirror as finished pulling on his black suit.His thumb running over the piece of paper in his pocket, he was the one to talk in the funeral

"Niall, it's time to go sweetheart."Denise knocked on the closed door.

"Okay, I'll be out right now.I just have to find something."He lied.Feeling like he needed a few more moments.

Liam was coming to the funeral, they haven't spoken about the urges Niall had when they last hung out.But now, Liam was prepared to be there in Niall's time of need.

"I'm so sorry for you lost "Niall kept hearing those words, over and over as guest started filling up the funeral home.Many people there, they were the family members of both his mom's and and dad's side.As well as Harry, his family and of course Zayn.Liam had already arrived, before them actually, and was now seated on the bench Niall was supposed to.

His boyfriend,changed his look completely.His piercings were now taken off and tattoos completely covered by his suit.Niall was kinda grateful because his family likes to talk and if they found out he had tattooed boyfriend, nobody would be talking about his mother anymore.

The same response circled through his brain."Thank you, thank you for coming."Was his response to whatever sympathy the people showed.

As everyone got seated, soft music was heard signaling that the service was to start.Niall sat next to Liam, who grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it as Niall gave him a reassuring smile, reassuring him that everything would be okay even if he didn't know that for certain.


"-And now, Maura's youngest son has some words."The priest concluded, signaling Niall to come up.

He nervously walked up there, the heel of his dress shoe echoed against the tile floor.Niall turned to face seated people, standing next to the closed casket that held his mother.

"My mom always feared that she had been a bad mother to both me and my brother.Scared that she wasn't there enough, that we took care of her more than she took care of us.But really, she brought happiness into our life.Even when she was scared out of her mind about the cancer taking over her body, her fear of leaving us was greater."Niall's spine shivered as a chill was sent through his body."My mother, was left widowed when both of her children were very young.She had to battle being a cancer patient, at risk of her heart not working and being a single mother.Nobody I've met is as brave as my mother, always fighting for us, her kids.As much as she thought is was the end, mom never gave up in seeing us happy."

He looked around to see Liam, Greg and Denise in tears.Most of the others seemed sad and Harry was sobbing quietly as he looked at his bestfriend.That's when Niall noticed his cheeks covered in tears."Her last words to me , were I love you.She died in her home, she died with knowing that she was loved.As much as I thought I was in it to blame for leaving her, I accepted that before leaving to go get what she needed, I told her I loved her.And that's all I've wanted her to know."

As Niall finished, he walked back to his seat.Noticing he didn't need the note card he carried in his pocket because all he really wanted was to speak his honest words in spirit of his mother.Everyone seemed to be wiping tears or consoling their loved ones who were crying.

The ceremony finished,the burial was scheduled right after the ceremony but few people were invited.A total of around twenty-five people.

People began to get in their cars as they were meant to follow the funeral home's car.As so did the Horan's, plus Liam, they piled into the car, making sure Theo was strapped in before taking off behind the vehicle.

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