I watched Carl's eyes travel behind me, loosening his grip and I guess Thea took that advantage because she stepped out of his hold then turned around, her jaw slacking. I looked behind to see Lydia strutting out of the house, buttoning up her shirt as I remembered we had dryer in that bathroom. She made her way past Luke and I then past the group without acknowledging them to her BMW. I bit my lip as my eyes landed on Thea who held a blank expression, making my heart ache.

She looked behind to see Lydia fixing up her skirt and making sure her hair was okay before turning around to give me a thumbs up then craning her neck to give Thea a smirk. I pushed down the urge to rip her neck off. She drove off without another word.

I was already staring back at Thea when she turned to me as I regretted letting Lydia in and using my bathroom to dry her clothes when I should've kicked her out in the first place. The rest of my friends were all staring at Thea as we expected her to cry.

But she didn't.

I watched her bite her lip then plastered on a fake smile, knowing that she was hurting inside from wrong assumptions. She announced that her parents were expecting both Aubree and herself home so she quickly walked towards Aubree's Porsche whilst Aubree pecked Marco's lips then followed her step-sister.

Just when she was about to open the passenger door, she turned around to give us a little wave as I had the urge to run to her and hold her in my arms, begging her not to go but her fake smile broke my heart, making my legs stay rooted to the spot. She slammed the door shut after getting into the car before Aubree drove off, faster than she ever had in her life.


"Ah, that's what happened," Carl said in realisation as he leaned further in my black bean bag that was positioned in the corner of my room.

It was a day after I saw Thea with Derek and that had nearly made me break the damn window when I saw Thea laughing with him. I clenched and unclenched my jaw as I thought back to yesterday. It haunted me. I had called Carl and Marco along with Luke to come over so I could explain what really happened on that day which meant they had to skip school and they were so glad they got to skip since they haven't really done that in a long time.

"I was there when Derek asked Thea to hangout with him," Marco said, catching my attention as my eyebrows raised up to gesture for him to continue. "They're friends, Xavier."

I sighed, burying my head in my hands for a few seconds before finally looking up again to see the boys looking at me with sympathy. Luke approached me, patting me on the back as I groaned.

I had also told them what I saw between Thea and Derek.

"Thea does know Derek has a girlfriend right?" Marco questioned with an eyebrow raised as I shook my head in response. "Well shit."

"Let's go shove his head down a toilet like we used to do with freshies," Carl said, rolling up his black sleeves as I chuckled.

"He's trying to get to you," Luke announced as I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"What did I ever do to that piece of shit?"

Luke shook his head. "You fucked the girl he was dating a while back, remember?"

My mouth formed into a perfect 'o' as the memories started flooding back into my brain. "I was fucking drunk."

"She was too," Carl confirmed, shaking his head. "She mistaken you for Derek, that blind whore."

"The fuck am I supposed to do now with Thea?" I asked through frustration as I paced in front of my bed, back and forth.

"Have you ever seen him get worked up over a girl?" Carl asked, frowning.

"You're so stupid," Marco answered, shaking his head. "Thea is his first love and his childhood best friend."

"Tell the whole world," I said directly at Marco who raised his hands up in the air as if surrending. "What is she doing now?"

"She's at school dude," Marco answered giving me an eye roll. "I miss my baby girl."

"Suck it up," Carl hissed.

"Have you explained to Aubree yet?" I asked Marco who looked at me, confused. "About what happened."

"I'll explain it to her when I pick her up from school."

I nodded in approval.

There was a light knock on my door. "Come in."

The door opened slowly as a little girl peeked her head in. Kiki's hair was in boxer braids and she was wearing her Zebra onesie that made her look as cute as a fucking teddy bear. I let a smile settle onto my lips as Kiki ran towards my bed and started jumping on it.

"Kiki!" the boys exclaimed, ecstatic to see the little girl who brought us all joy.

"Did Xavy tell you what I did when I saw that scary girl?" Kiki questioned, still jumping around before jumping into my arms as I just caught her. Just.

"You're a hero," Marco answered with a nod, a smile creeping his way onto his face as I placed her down on the floor. "Come give brother Marco a hug."

Kiki threw her head back and let out a laugh as she rushed over towards Marco who crushed her in his arms. He passed Kiki to Carl who kissed her forehead lightly then placed her down on the ground so she could run to Luke. As she approached Luke, he swiftly picked her up and placed her on my bed then started tickling her as I let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Kiki, don't distract your brothers," our butler said as his head looked inside my room. "Sorry, Xavier."

"No problem," I replied, waving it off like it was nothing. "Go take a nap now, Kiki."

Kiki nodded then ran to our butler who swiftly picked her up then closed my door behind. The boys looked at the door then back at me, their face lit up as if they just had a light bulb moment. I frowned, looking at all of them as I looked at my closed door, the idea suddenly popped into my mind.

"A romantic gesture," I muttered under my breath.

But the boys heard me.

"You mean the 'I'm Sorry' gesture," Marco corrected as I rolled my eyes.

"Same thing."

I had another light bulb moment as I gathered the boys around, already discussing my plan to them. We also needed to include Aubree.

After an hour of discussing who does what and everything, the boys took a step back and looked at each other then at me, nodding in approval.

"Let's get to work," I announced, rolling up my sleeves as I looked at my dark, grey study desk at a picture that was the exact same as my lock screen and the one Thea had. There was the small picture with a golden frame around it, sitting on my desk as if it was glowing.

A/N: YESS A CHAPTER UPDATE!!! I wasn't actually going to update today but I had nothing to do and wasn't bothered on starting my English assignment. Oops?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!

P.S; I absolutely love replying to your comments that you all fabulous readers leave! xx

- A xo

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