Chapter | 18

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Emily wasn't sure why she did it but before meeting Dan for lunch she drove past her old shop. Everything was how it used to be and she was surprised to see it open. She had planned on closing the shop from Christmas Eve till the second week of January but a couple of days after New Year 's Day it was open and seeing her car out front, Jodie came running out giving Emily no choice but stop and say hello.

"God I have missed you girl!" Jodie greeted, hugging her tightly.

"Same. How come you're here and not over in Melbourne?" It was part of the reason Emily had decided to close over the holidays. Her staff deserved a break and with the majority of Jodie's family over there she had given her a small bonus to cover the her airfares home.

"Well, I'm so sorry for not quitting Em. I did, I wrote up my notice and everything but she's paying me triple what I was on before. The other girls have gone, I have new staff to train now but honestly, since you've gone we're never busy. I can't cook like you"

"Triple?" Emily couldn't believe it.

"I know. I feel so bad"

"Don't. I couldn't expect you to just quit and I wouldn't either for that cost" Their conversation was cut short as the old man from the antique store came out.

"Emily! You're a sight for sore eyes. Get back to work, I miss those little purple things you make" He took her hand and patted the top of it gently.

"Macarons Mr Stanley. I'm sure Jo's aren't that bad?"

"Actually they're not on the menu anymore. I can't make them and our range has changed thanks to our new sole owner" Jodie butted in looking embarrassed.

"New owner?" The old man gasped, shaking his head. "Explains everything"

"How about I make you some on the weekend and I'll get Jodie to bring them to you Monday morning?" Emily offered.

"Only if it's not too much trouble, don't bother yourself over an old man like me" He blushed slightly as Emily hugged him.

"It'll be no bother at all" The state of her store left her feeling even more deflated but it also woke something else up in her. Saying goodbye she went to get Dan, an idea coming to mind.

"Mind if we skip lunch and just grab McDonalds. I want to go look at something" Dan nodded, not really caring what they did. They headed down the highway towards the ocean and into Fremantle which was one of her favourite locations.

"What are we doing?" Dan asked as they walked around the West End. Old buildings were being renovated within the city and after half an hour of walking he wasn't sure what she was looking for.

"I just wanted to see something" She answered absentmindedly, her smile widening as she saw the shop she was looking for and the big red For Sale sign was still covering the window partly blocked by scaffolding. "What do you think?"

Dan looked around confused. "Um, bit of a fixer upper?"

"The building is being renovated and all these shop spaces are available now. With the ocean views and the beauty of this area, what if I had a new shop here?"

"Here?" Like last time it wasn't smack bang in the middle of the action but people travelled out the main square of the city for her shop so he was certain they'd do the same here.

"Yeah and being on the end, there is this cute little courtyard. I was thinking of making it a little industrial, it seems to be a trend at the moment" And she went on to describe the setting and look of the store.

"Sounds pretty cool Em" Dan had to agree, he'd want to come to a place like this. The other store had been 'pretty' if that was the right word for it.

Wanting His GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang