Chapter | 4

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A week later, Jack was making his way Paul's football club to watch a game and meet some of the guys. He wasn't going to go, despite being in Australia for a year he had never got into the national sport of afl and stuck with things he knew like cricket, rugby and football or soccer as the majority of people called it. While he doubted it, he was hoping Emily would be there too. She hadn't mentioned it and it was most likely a guy thing and heading towards the club the team were just coming out of the change rooms in their uniforms.

"Hey mate!" Paul greeted, stopping to adjust his shoe laces.

"Hey" Jack noticed the curious looks some of the guys were sending his way and spotted another familiar face. "Joshua?"

"Hi Mr Davies, didn't expect to see you here!" Joshua kept it formal with his boss, almost nervous at seeing him.

"You can call me Jack, Joshua" Jack relaxed as the team formed around them and nodding Joshua stood a little closer, slapping him on the back as the formalities of the workplace were forgotten.

"Guys this is Emily's friend, Jack. Thinking of getting him down to training on Wednesday, see if he's worth signing up for next season" Paul told the crowd and a few other guys introduced themselves as the mention of being Emily's friend seemed to be his ticket in. "The girls are by the trees if you wanted to watch. It's the last game of the season before we switch to cricket as we didn't make the finals. Get Carla to explain the rules to ya bud" The team headed out to where the other team was already running around, warming up. Following behind families and friends lined the curve of the oval and sure enough in the shade of the trees Emily and Carla sat with a few other women and an older man.

By chance Emily looked in his direction, and seeing him, it took a second before recognition had her jumping up and running over. They had seen each other every night this week; she was whipping him back into shape with the long runs. Working out in the gym wasn't the same as the marathon treks and he was still slightly sore from using muscles that been forgotten about. Despite their new weekly routine which then involved hanging out at her place and having dinner they didn't do it on Friday due to a work dinner her had to attend and he was missing her already.

"Hey Jack!" She hugged him in greeting and a whiff of vanilla and coconut drifted over him from her hair.

"Hi, mind if I sit with you guys?" He asked glancing over her shoulder all eyes were on them but she didn't seem to notice.

"Where else would sit? Come on. Dad this is Jack, you know Carla, Anna and Helen" Looking over at the younger looking girls they both smiled offered smiles, "And that's Hayley and Gemma. They're girlfriends of a couple of the guys" A hello was passed around the group before the horn sounded, making them all jump.

It was half time before they knew it and there was a one goal lead to Paul's team which had the small group screaming for them. Jack had tried to keep up with the information being thrown his way as Emily's Dad and Carla took him under their wing to explain the rules but in the end it came down to what most sports did, getting the ball to the goals for six points. Emily got up and disappeared with Gemma as he Dad gave him a quick test on everything he had just been told and amazingly he passed but soon drifted off as he spied Emily passing around trays of cupcakes.

The cupcakes had been decorated in the home team colours and offering them to the other supporters it was a chance for them all to catch up. It was only local footy, all the guys on both teams were friends off the field and while it was taken seriously, it was still just for fun. Most of the watchers were regulars and quickly paid there $1 for one of her cupcakes, it was another way the club fundraised and even some of the players ran over to make sure they got one.

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