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As you made your way around the street corner, you noticed a man with wheat-blond hair passing out fliers to any passerby, even taping them to people that showed him disdain. Whatever they were for, the young man was persistent, wearing a triumphant smile as he straightened the stack of papers. Whenever his electric blue eyes caught sight of you, the American hastily gave you on of the papers with a brazen voice. "Hi, I'm Alfred Foster Jones the First and the embodiment of this country, the United States! I'd appreciate it if you could spread around word about anyone needing an everyday hero to cheer them up or to serve out a heaping dish of justice!"

He mused to you happily, running a hand through his neatly kept hair, unable to take his insufferable cowlick. "Anyway, have a nice day and come around again!  I'll around here for a while so don't be afraid to ask me anything or anything! That's all, have a nice day!" Alfred beamed with starry eyes, flashing you a peace sign before taking his post again.

Questioningly, you stood there and gawked at the strange man while he threw a piece of gum into his mouth, happily continuing his job. What was he even talking about the entire time? Honestly, you had no clue, but you gave him another once over before reading the flier.

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