Chapter 58

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Finally the two were able to apparate back to England with rings on their fingers and marriage certificates. The first thing they did was go to the ministry.

"Ah, potter and Malfoy, ready to sign the document stating that you will-"

"Be able to keep our baby?" Harry asked as he held up his left hand, giving her the finger. "Oops, wrong finger," he smiled, holding up his ring finger. Draco smiled and held up mine.

Umbridge spluttered. "Who married you two?! I have every priest ready to be executed for marrying faggots!" She barked.

"Oh honey, we went to America. It's that land of the free over there." Draco pointed in a random direction, not really sure where the Eagle-land was. "You know, the place where the leader just legalized same-sex marriage,"

"That's preposterous!" She screamed. "Get them now! Now!"

"Oh my god." Harry said, remembering something from the war. "Oh my god how could I not remember!"

"Remember wha-?" Umbridge slapped Draco across the face, causing him to Yelp and stop talking.

Harry growled and shoved her, taking Draco to his chest as he cried. His face suddenly went straight as gaurds started going up to them. "Hold on," he said, his smile coming back.

"Harry what are we supposed to do now? She's going to kill us," Draco sobbed.

"Draco, it will all be okay." Harry told him, wiping his tears away.

"How?" Draco whispered.

"Because, the ministry, as a thank you for defeating Voldemort-" Harry said purposely, trying to get everyone to flinch. "-they allowed me to get three times where I was allowed to overrule any rule of have an official act made, as long as a court agrees with me." He said, trying to remember the exact rule, not remembering about it until then. "God, why did I remember! Why didn't anyone remind me!"

"Oh yeah, well what are you going to use them for?" Umbridge spat.

"One, I want the same sex anti-marriage rule abolished, then, I want her killed." Harry looked at Umbridge.

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