Chapter 51

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Draco gasped as they were apparated to the ministry. "No no no!" He screeched.

"Hey! You stop that-"

"My baby! My baby is going to die!" Draco screamed, drawing attention to them.

"I don't care if your baby is going to die or not. It's going to die anyways!"

"Shut up SHUT UP!" Draco screamed. "I'm not breaking up with my boyfriend and I'm not getting an abortion!"

The man smacked him so hard he was knocked over. "You are and you WILL!"

"No!" Draco said as he got up. "Ow! You're hurting me!" He cried when the man grabbed him and dragged him go another room.

Harry gasped and ran after him, holding on to him tightly. "Draco, are you okay?" He asked hurriedly.

"I'm fine, Harry," Draco told him, smiling gently.

Harry was pulled off of him and thrown into the room with Draco, where the two met Delores Umbridge. Draco gulped and held his stomach.

Umbridge flashed a snarled smile. "Oh, here to hear about the new law?" She pointed to two separate chairs. "Sit. Now."

Harry and Draco sat down, afraid of what she could do with her new power if they refused. Draco held his stomach tightly while Harry had to sit on his hands to keep him from strangling Umbridge.

"The new law will be set on January 10, before then I want you two seperated and talking about abortion for that faggot baby you have." She spat, keeping a smile on her face.

"The law affects gay couples, whether they are dating or married in England. Plus, children with gay couples will be put in orphanages or killed in the womb-"

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Draco screamed at her. "My baby has to die because of you!"

"Yes, it does." Se hissed. "And I expect it dead by the 11th, or I'll kill it myself!" He snarled, then kicked them out of the room.

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