Ch-10 A Joker's Child

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Arthur and Alfred had reached the Castle of Spades just in time for Arthur's heat. Just as Alfred had predicted it was only after three days and Arthur's heat had stopped. Arthur had been overjoyed and instead of pushing Alfred away like the first time, he refused to leave Alfred's side. Alfred and Arthur had been doing everything together; which annoyed some people a lot. Certain Lords who had come to speak with the King would have to also speak with Arthur, only one alpha decided to speak out about it while in a meeting with other alphas and the King.

"My King may I ask why the Queen attends these meetings? I know I speak on behalf of all these alphas as this has always been an alpha only meeting." The man says.

"If Arthur wants to attend the meetings he can." Alfred responds calmly.

"No he cannot. I'm sorry my King but it says in the rules of this meeting that only alpha's can attend." The alpha sighs. He shows the King a piece of parchment that states the rules. It was signed at the bottom by all Lords and all past Kings. Alfred nodded before standing. Arthur was up in an instant and had attached himself to the alpha's side.

"Arthur I think you should leave." Alfred says as he guides Arthur to the door. Arthur looked down nervously before nodding. "I know what a first-time pregnant omega can be like, so do not worry yourself. I will return to you as soon as possible." Alfred says. Arthur nods and slips out the door. When the door is closed behind him Arthur leans on it and sinks to the floor with a sigh. He had spied on the meetings when he was younger and in the process had seen things he did not like. The alphas didn't do any actual work, they drank and smoked cigars while pretty omegas danced around for their entertainment. Arthur had joined every meeting in fear that if he didn't, Alfred would get involved in everything that went on behind closed doors. Arthur stood up and made his way outside. He walked into the small Royal courtyard. Only the King and Queen were allowed into this courtyard. Arthur laid down on the outdoor couch they had. He rested a hand on his stomach where he swore he could feel the embryo growing.

"I hope you are alright." Arthur is startled when he hears the voice. He closes his eyes as he lets out a breath.

"Peter, what are you doing here?" Arthur asks with a tone of adoration in his voice.

"I came to see my big brother." Peter hops onto the arm chair of the couch near Arthur's head.

"Well hello then." Arthur smiles as he opens his green eyes. Peter grins and waves to Arthur.

"I know you're pregnant." Peter says and Arthur moves over as his younger brother slides into the space as he curls up against Arthur's side. Arthur hums and soon all conversation stops as they listen to the chirping of birds instead. The two of them fall asleep in the shade by accident but are woken up by Gilbert.

"Peter we need to go." Gilbert mumbles as he tries to quietly wake Peter. He didn't want to wake Arthur up; the omega would need all the rest he could get. Arthur had been woken up by the Jokers and in seconds whipped out a dagger and held it to Gilbert's throat. The Queen let out a sigh of annoyance and removed the knife when he noticed it was Gilbert.

"Honestly, would you Jokers stop scaring me?" Arthur crosses his arms. Gilbert laughs and shrugs.

"I don't know, you're pretty funny to scare." Gilbert smirks before picking Peter up. The two Jokers' faces go serious. "Arthur, I believe you should be careful. There is trouble brewing in the Kingdoms. I also have a request to make." Gilbert says. Arthur nods mutually asking for the alpha to continue.

"If things go wrong and I bring to you an omega and their child, would you look after them for me?" Gilbert asks. Arthur nods before frowning.

"Why not ask Francis? He is your best friend, is he not?" Arthur asks.

"Yes Francis is my best friend, but he is dealing with his own troubles and I don't want him to feel anymore stressed by keeping more secrets." Gilbert says. The alpha also whispers for Peter to leave and Peter left quickly.

"What secret is this omega and child?" Arthur asks nervously.

"I'm sure you have heard of Lovino and Antonio by this stage?" Gilbert asks and Arthur nods quickly.

"Yes those two make an adorable pair; I've heard they had a child together." Arthur says and Gilbert stands in front of Arthur.

"That child is my own. That is why I want you to take care of them, if Francis found out he would be furious of me to have bred my best friend's omega. Francis might even not want me to be around any of his omegas." Gilbert sighs. Arthur's jaw drops in shock and soon there was some noise in the courtyard. Gilbert disappears quickly; leaving Arthur alone. Alfred walks over to his omega and waves his hand in front of Arthur's face.

"Artie, you in there?" Alfred asks. Arthur shook his head quickly and looks over at Alfred.

"Sorry, I just found some new things." Arthur waves off Alfred. Alfred frowns; just half an hour earlier Arthur refused to leave Alfred's side, but all of a sudden the omega seemed almost too distant. Arthur stood and stumbled away slightly; a million thoughts running through his head. There was trouble brewing in the Kingdoms and a Joker had a child. Obviously Gilbert would have impregnated Lovino while he was a Joker. It was unheard of and everyone was positive that Jokers couldn't have children, but Gilbert just proved them wrong. The biggest problem however was that Gilbert had warned him of the other Kingdoms, just as Alfred had discussed the issues with Clubs with him. Arthur felt Alfred's arms wrap around him gently and within seconds he had melted into Alfred with a sob.

"Something is wrong Alfred, but I don't know what. It's the Kingdoms, I know that it has something to do with Suits but I don't know what." Arthur sobbed holding onto Alfred. Alfred just nodded cautiously.

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