Ch-9 We All Have Secrets

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Alfred had gone to see his brother with Arthur before meeting the new Queen of Diamonds. He had frowned and told Arthur how it felt weird knowing that the 14 year old girl would be mating with 26 year old Francis in a week or so. Alfred had noticed a pale mark on his brother's neck when they talked. He eventually reached out and moved the collar to see it. Matthew hadn't anticipated Alfred to have seen it. Matthew felt his heart stop beating when Alfred's face went from looking like a curious child to a furious and dangerous looking alpha. Alfred had stormed off to find Francis leaving two scared omegas in his wake. Alfred had tried not to laugh when Matthew had lied to him. Alfred knew that Francis had something to do with the mark; however the alpha didn't want to believe that Francis had done the mark himself. Alfred had been stressed enough lately and the secrets his brother was hiding from him wasn't helping with anything. Ivan was doing something and was hiding his Kingdom from prying eyes. Alfred didn't feel like he was ready to start leading the Kingdom properly but it had now been thrown onto him. His people were expecting him to help them, but how could he help them when he didn't even know what the problem was to begin with.

"Alfred are you alright?" Arthur asks. The omega had just changed and had noticed his alpha staring at the wall very intensely.

"I don't know what to do Arthur." Alfred chokes out the words. That was when Arthur noticed the tears welling in the man's eyes. Arthur sat down next to Alfred and rested his head on Alfred's shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Arthur asks.

"Ivan is doing something. I've had to start rationing our mineral supplies as well." Alfred sighs. Arthur nods and rubs Alfred's back.

"I was Queen when Spades and Hearts had a standoff. It was quite a terrifying moment because everyone expected something from me but I didn't know what to do." Arthur says.

"Yeah but you didn't have a lying mate or younger brother." Alfred mutters.

"No but I did have sleazy father." Arthur says. Alfred nods and wraps an arm around Arthur's waist. "We all have our secrets and problems Alfred. There is nothing more we can do about the situation with Ivan, we can only wait it out. Don't worry about trying to live up to the expectations of the Kingdom; they don't even know what they want right now." Arthur smiles warmly. "Now let's get to bed. We're leaving early in the morning so we can make sure that we make it back to the castle in time for my heat." Arthur says. Alfred agrees and the pair hop in bed and cuddle up together as they go to sleep.

Kingdom of Spadesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें