Ch-8 The King's Secrets

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Arthur returned to his room. He hopped into his bed quietly. He usually slept with Alfred however seeing as the teenager seemed to be asleep he didn't want to wake the boy up. He had only been lying there for a short amount of time when he heard the door to his room open. He looked over to see Alfred walking over to his bed.

"I thought you were asleep." Arthur says. Alfred silently sits on the edge of the bed. Arthur quietly waits for his King to finally talk. It takes a while but eventually Alfred finds his voice.

"What did Francis want?" Alfred asks. He sounded just like a boy his age would, it made Arthur remember that Alfred was only 19.

"Don't worry Alfred he just needed help with something." Arthur waves off the boy.

"Help with what?" Alfred asks, a hint of concern leaking into his voice.

"Now that is none of your business." Arthur says. He had promised to keep Francis and Matthew's problem a secret and that included their relationship. When everything went quiet Arthur assumed that Alfred was processing what he had just said. He did seem deep in thought with his eyes closed. Arthur closed his eyes as well; letting his body relax. When he heard a little movement he opened them again. It wasn't that much later that Alfred opened his eyes as well. They weren't what Arthur had expected. Instead of the usual cheery look or the admiring look Alfred gave Arthur; Alfred's blue eyes were furious and had possessiveness swirled in them. In seconds Arthur was pinned under the strong alpha.

"Francis better pray to the Gods themselves that nothing happened. I swear to the Gods that if I find out anything happened; you won't be getting off lightly." Alfred snarled at Arthur. Arthur shrunk into his mattress in fear and shock. He'd thought that Alfred had taken the news lightly or at least like a majority of teenagers; he did not expect such possessive and dangerous behavior.

"Y-yes sir." Arthur said quietly. Alfred just nodded his approval before sighing and leaning back and away from Arthur.

"Sorry, I just really love you Artie and I don't want some fancy shmancy alpha taking you from me." Alfred pulled his knees up to his chest with a sigh. Arthur felt a small smile grace his face as he sat up and crawled over to Alfred.

"There's something behind your behavior Alfred; tell me what it is." Arthur says and Alfred can't help but agree.

"When I was younger I had a younger alpha brother. Well he was a half brother. My mother cheated on my father with the farmer next door. My father killed the child when he found out it wasn't his own. I'd tried to keep him safe but I just couldn't do it. He was only 13 and had just befriended an omega and had told me how he was going to make the omega feel like the Queen himself. I came home with Matthew from working in the field and opened the door. I came across a terrifying sight. My mother was holding the bloody and lifeless corpse of my brother; my father stood in the background covered in blood and holding a machete. I guess I developed a possessiveness to keep the ones I love safe and to keep the only to me. I know that the treatment and pain I went through caused me to become a very angry person if you piss me off." Alfred says quietly. Arthur blinked in shock.

"You had another younger brother?" Arthur mumbles and Alfred nods as he started crying. He looked over at Arthur.

"Yep, that's why it hit home for me when you said your little brother died. I suppose he died in his sleep by natural causes though." Alfred sighs. Arthur nods and moves forward to hug Alfred.

"I can promise to you that I would never sleep with anyone other than you. You are my everything now Alfred so please allow me to be your everything." Arthur says and Alfred nods.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't want to anger an omega. I mean every omega is super possessive of their alphas so I wouldn't put you through that stress." Alfred hugs Arthur back. He gently leans forward; pushing Arthur down into the bed. They slipped under the covers and Alfred wrapped his arms around Arthur as he pulled Arthur into his chest to keep the omega close to him. Arthur couldn't help but smile at the scent of his mate the surrounded him; he was glad the Fates chose someone like Alfred for him. Alfred was an alpha that had the strength to carry the Kingdom and lead the Kingdom. Alfred had the strength to carry Arthur and the Kingdom; he had the cheeriness the Kingdom needed. Alfred could keep anyone's attention and he also found a way to help everyone and their problems. In fact Matthew and Francis should have told Alfred about the entire story of them; Alfred would have not turned Matthew away. He probably would have strangled Francis half to death but he would not have killed the alpha. Alfred would have happily helped Matthew and Francis in every single way he could. Arthur knew that he was not afraid to have Alfred's children; seeing as the alpha was capable to help Arthur and keep the Kingdom a safe enough area for Arthur.

Arthur had never been so wrong in his life.

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