Chapter 28 - Shattered Dream Pt.1

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(1 month ago, Before Zack met Cristiano)

The snow, both beautiful yet cruel rushed against my face.

I attempted to traverse the city to find a place to sleep despite the recent snow storm. I thought to myself that if I could push just a little bit longer, I could find good place.

My body is increasing going numb the more I walk. As of right now, I can't feel my left foot all too much and have lost the feeling in my ears. The only thing I have to protect myself against the weather is a jacket and a scarf, my pants and shoes weren't exactly designed for this kind of weather...I rubbed my sides to heat myself up but it wasn't working.

Passing by an alleyway, I spotted a garbage dumpster. Opening the top lid and looking inside, I realized that it was empty.

A perfect spot for the time being.

I brushed off the snow and hopped inside, closing the lid behind. I should be fine for right now if I stay here.

My whole body was still becoming numb...

How did my life even get to this point?...

(Present day)

"I'm sorry, but Maria isn't working today. In fact, she's not even scheduled for this week, or the next week..." Said the manager of the restaurant Maria worked at.

"Why is that?" I asked him, wondering if I could get an answer.

"She said she needed vacation time to be with her family...but to be honest, she's been depressed lately." He said.

Oh gee...I wonder why...

"Anyway, I know you two are friends. If you can, help her with whatever she's going through. She's the heart of this place." He pleaded.

"I'll try." I said.

--- (Outside the restaurant, Afternoon)

"Any luck?" Neymar asked.

"No..." I frowned and coughed. I think I might be trying to get sick...I haven't felt well today...

"You alright?" he asked, talking about the cough.

"Yea, it's nothing." I said.

"Well anyway, we came up to Maria's job and still no luck finding her...I hate to say it, but we've hit a brick wall..." Neymar admitted.

I stayed silent, but of course he was right...I just didn't want to believe it.

"Let's get out of the snow and head back. The game is tomorrow and the couch wants to talk game plans with me anyway." he suggested.

"Instead... I'll meet you back at the room later on, I'll go visit Sergio for the time being...maybe he knows something." I said but coughed three times, one harder after the last...

"...Ok, well, get Sergio to bring home you home, you aren't looking too well Zack." He worriedly said.

"I'll be fine, go do what you have to. We'll catch up later on." I said as I walked to the Argentine hotel.

--- (Arriving at the Hotel)

I can't believe how much things have changed since the end of the quarter finals...while I'm thank full for the one who I still have around, I miss everyone else dearly...James, Zlatan, Van Persie, Isco, Nacho, Carvajal, Pique, De Gea... I wonder if there's away for me visit all of them...but, that would mean that I'd have to leave that even possible for me right now?

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