Chapter 19 - The Vision

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“You know it’s not their fault right?” I whispered to him.

He visibly tensed up. “They shouldn’t have let you get out of their sight.” He said, in a low voice.

“It’s not their fault! I wasn’t paying attention!” I protested. From his facial expression, I could tell he didn’t really believe me, even though I was telling the truth.

I sighed. I tried to sit up, to meet his eye level, which would make it easier for me to talk to him. Upon doing so, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I groaned. I forgot I still had injuries from the fight.

Jace heard me, and started to fire questions at me continuously, wanting to know what had happened and if I was okay. I shook my head, dismissing the pain. It was after all, sustained from the fight and was expected. I did indeed break my shoulder bone during the fight. I figured it would cure in a while, considering my werewolf genes.

He pressed on. I shot him an irritated look, and he looked back at me, with one of his own. I was in no mood to argue, and ignored him. It may seem a little cruel, but I assure you it wasn’t. Truthfully, I just wanted some water. Fighting with Jace was not an option now, seeing as I feel like crap, and also because, of my messed up feelings.

I was immensely pleased when I saw the tracker come back with a bottle of water in his hand. Jace snatched the bottle from him, and uncapped it. He held it out to me, and I took it gratefully.

"Thanks." I said, looking at Jace and the tracker.

I gulped the water down.

I never really favored water so much, and instead preferred sweetened drinks. But at that point of time, water was just fine. It went down my throat, refreshing me almost instantly.

It was not long after that, that the doctor came in. He was the same doctor as the one that had helped me the last time I passed out. I guess he was the standard pack doctor. He seemed fairly nice, during the few times I had met him.

He walked over towards me, and like Jace, checked for signs of having a fever. I had none, thankfully. He started to inform me of my injuries, and started by saying, “Well, there are quite a lot of injuries you sustained from the fight.” He paused, and I soon figured out why.

Jace was shaking uncontrollably, as if he was trying not to let his wolf take over. This was understandable, for it was hard to listen to the ways that your mate got injured, without getting angry. The doctor looked at the both of us, asking silently if he could carry on. I nodded, ignoring Jace.

“Firstly, your shoulder bone is broken. I am sure you have already figured it out. Also, your back has been scratched rather badly. I assume that your attacker had clawed at you. I have applied some antiseptic and will continue to ask a nurse to do so a few times a day, or when I feel is necessary. Your wrist is sprained as well, and your neck has been bitten, though it is not too serious. But other than that, you have sustained no major injuries. I would caution you not to move your shoulder, or bend down too much. Try not to do anything with your wrist either. For now, I will put you on bed rest, until I feel it is alright for you to move about. Now when you are allowed to leave the room, I suggest you to use the wheelchair, over there. It would be better for you.” I nodded, trying to grasp all the information at once. Seeming satisfied with his words, the doctor left the room.

I was so caught up in listening to the doctor, that I had completely forgotten about Jace. I was only reminded of his presence when he growled loudly, his eyes on my wounds.

“I will kill the man that did this to you. I swear I will.” He said, growling.

I blinked. Was he serious? He scared me a little at first. He had sounded so determined, so angry. I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay Jace. It’s okay.” I kept murmuring, desperately trying to calm him down. He brought his gaze towards my face. He gave me a disbelieving look.

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