"I'm coming." I heard Lauren say.

I smiled at her and we started walking out of the venue and to the bus in silence.

"So, Y/N, what's up with you and Camz?" Lauren questioned as we got on the bus.

I let out a laugh and sat down on the couch, Lauren following right beside me. "Nothing, why?"

"You guys seem really close and she kissed you on the cheek and stuff." She stated.

"We're just friends, I promise." I paused before continuing, "Why do you care anyway?" I asked.

She blushed a little before clearing her throat. "I don't, I was just wondering."

"Okay well how's Brad?" I was proud of myself for not saying bread.

"He's good. I'm actually going to call him soon." She said before looking down at her phone. "Actually, I'll be in the back, it's time to call him."

I watched her walk away while thinking to myself. Nice ass.

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the bus door. Why would the girls knock?

I got up to open it and noticed a guy with curly hair and no upper lip standing there.

I stared at him for a moment before his eyes got wide and he started talking. "Whoa, you're Y/N from Chase Atlantic. It's so cool to meet you in person." He said with a smirk.

"Uhm yeah, always great to meet a fan. And you are?" I said with distaste.

He frowned. "I'm Brad from The Vamps. I'm actually here to surprise Lauren."

I rolled my eyes before calling the younger girl's name. "LAUREN, COME HERE."

"What the fuck do you want I'm trying to call Brad?" She said while walking over to me. I then gestured towards the open door. She gasped, "Brad, oh my god what're you doing here babe?"

He smirked and made his way up the steps of the bus. "I came to surprise you, sexy." This caused Lauren to blush and they moved in for a rather disgusting kiss. I gagged on my own spit and decided to walk off the bus.

I saw Camila approaching the bus and decided to save her. "Monkey, you might not want to go in there. Bread is in there with Lauren."

"Who's Bread?" She asked with a frown.

"Oh my bad. I meant Brad." I corrected myself.

Camila let out a huge laugh. "That made my day. You wanna get out of here then?"

"Sure, I know a good place to go. I found it last time we stopped in Oakland on tour." I said before grabbing her hand and leading her through the streets of late night California.

We walked in a comfortable silence for about ten minutes until we reached the location. It was an old abandoned building. It was safe to go up the stairs because they were concrete.

"M'lady." I said with a cheeky grin as we reached the staircase, gesturing for her to go first.

"So sweet." She laughed before walking up the stairs. I followed closely behind. "Wow." She said as we reached the top. The wall on one side was missing, giving the perfect view of the city.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her front. Over the past few weeks we'd grown extremely close, and seeing as we were both fairly touchy, we both thought nothing of the affection. "It's amazing, huh?" I asked while looking out over the city, resting my chin on top of her head.

"Can we sit?" She asked quietly.

I smiled and walked around beside her, tugging her down with me to sit with our legs dangling over the side of the building. She rested her head on my shoulder while I laid my head onto hers. "You know, we've gotten extremely close, but I still have no clue how old you are. I don't know how old any of you are actually." I stated.

Chase Atlantic ( Lauren/You )Where stories live. Discover now