Chapter Six - And The Snakes Start To Sing

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Oh god I haven't updated this in forever. oh yeah and thank you Ali(@Ali_Horlik) for the pretty picture on the side. Thanks bitch :) and the best comment on the last chapter was left by @DirtyAmo because it made me laugh for like five hours, alright.


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"This is kidnap." Louis huffed from the back seat. "Oh, shut up, Lou. We never went on a road trip before. Don't be so negative." Harry smirked, and Louis really wanted to hit Harry upside the head. "What happened to you hating me?" Louis snapped, crossing his arms.

Harry stayed quiet, the smirk leaving his face. Harry slammed on the breaks, Louis flying forward into the passenger seat. "I could fucking kill you and leave your ass on the side of the fucking road, so just shut the fuck up and go with it!" Harry shouted, showing Louis a side of him that was unfamiliar.

Louis gulped and nodded, Harry turning back around and driving off. Louis slumped down in the seat, crossing his arms, and glaring at the back of Harry's seat. Harry's weird indie music was quietly playing through the speakers of his car, everything else silent.

"Thanks." Louis mumbled, Harry just barely catching it. "What was that?" Harry said in a mocking tone, trying not to let the smirk show. "Thanks, you asshole." Louis snapped, and Louis chuckled. "You can either come on this road trip with me, or spend life in prison for murdering your dad." Harry said, and Louis rolled his eyes.

"So, where are we going?" Louis asked, climbing into the front seat. "That was illegal, Louis." Harry scowled, sounding like a disappointed parent. "Do you really think I care?" Louis snapped sarcastically, and Harry chuckled, shaking his head.

"What the hell did I see in you?" Harry mumbled to himself, and Louis rolled his eyes once again at Harry's words. "Back to my question, where are we going?" Louis asked, looking expectantly at Harry. "I don't know." Harry deadpanned, and Louis scoffed.

"You don't know where we're going? Typical." Louis said, and it was Harry's turn to roll his eyes. "That's the fun part, you cock sucker." Harry said, smiling at Louis. "How the fuck is that fun? We're pretty much lost when you think about it." Louis spat, and Harry shook his head.

"No, it's fun. Now shut the fuck up or I'll turn you into the cops." Harry threatened, the happy tone disappearing and the other side of Harry was coming back. "Fine." Louis grumbled, resting his head against the window and crossing his arms.

Louis soon feel asleep, and Harry had to admit that the boy was adorable while he slept.


"Wake up, you prick!" Harry shouted, shoving Louis. "Fuck off." Louis mumbled, curling into a ball and going back to sleep. Harry huffed and got out of the car, walking over to Louis' side and yanking the door open, Louis falling out and onto the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Louis shouted, jumping up. "I told you to wake up." Harry said in a sickeningly sweet tone. "Dick hole." Louis muttered, brushing the nonexistent dirt off himself. The sun was slowly breaking through the grey clouds, and Louis checked the time on the small clock on Harry's dashboard.

"It's five in the morning. What the fuck are we doing?" Louis spat at Harry, and Harry turned around. "Stop bitching." Harry snapped, and walked towards a small rundown building that Louis was just now noticing.

There were boxes of fruit everywhere, and other random items, and Louis was a bit freaked out because it looked like something straight out of a horror movie. Louis shut the car door, and slowly walked into the building, looking around.

Harry was talking an old lady standing behind a table, Harry seeming like a giant next to her. Louis walked over to Harry, and the old woman gave him a disapproving look. "Ignore him," Harry said, and continued on with what he was saying to the woman.

They continued on talking as if Louis wasn't there, and Louis turned around and walked out. He got into the car, slamming the door shut. He knew that Harry hated him, but it still hurt that Harry would just ignore him like that.

Harry came out a few minutes later, and got it. "Sorry, I needed directions." Harry said, and Louis muttered a go fuck yourself, Harry chuckling at him. "Ya know, one of us might end up dead by the end of this trip." Harry smirked. "I hope it's me." Louis grumbled, and Harry laughed again. "I hope so, too."



 Song - And The Snakes Start To Sing - Bring Me The Horizon (this is literally my favourite fucking song rn it's like jesus but in song form)

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