Chapter One - Shout At The Devil

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Also, thank you to @NiamNerd because she made the cover <3

▲ ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴ ᴘ̶ᴏ̶ᴠ̶  ▲

Louis had been driving for three days straight, and he had no idea where he was. He was in some small town in the middle of nowhere, and he had been sleeping in his car because if he got out he got dirty looks from the people in the town.

He knew that he probably looked like a nuisance, and he fucking was, but he didn't feel like being insulted. He felt disgusted with himself enough as it was. He hadn't meant to stab Niall, it just felt right at the moment and it just happened.

He had honestly lost everything. As in he lost Harry. Louis isn't a very romantic guy, but he'd do anything for Harry. He was a complete dumb ass, Harry having told him that when Louis tried to apologize. He didn't even know if Niall was dead, and it was going to eat him alive.

He slammed his head into the steering wheel, the horn going off. He pressed his face harder into the steering wheel, the loud horn making his headache worse. He removed his face from the steering wheel, before getting out of his car and walking around.

It was about ten at night, so nobody was really around. He walked around a bit, and found himself sitting at in the bar. "Let me guess, break up?" The bartender asked, eyeing Louis. Louis was about to tell him to fuck off, but just nodded.

"Did you break it off?" The bartender asked, pouring Louis a drink. "He dumped me." Louis said, taking the drink. "Thought so. I'm Andy by the way." The bartender said, leaning against the bar.

"Louis. But I'll be dead by the end of the week, so no point in remembering my name." Louis said, downing half of the drink.

It burned going down Louis' throat, but he just felt numb all over. "Well-" "I don't need some speech. I just need alcohol right now." Louis said, cutting Andy off.

"Right yeah." Andy mumbled and Louis pulled out his wallet. He dumped all of the money out, which was about 300 pounds. "Paying in advanced." Louis murmured, finishing his drink.

Andy eventually threw Louis out of the bar, mainly because he was shit face and Andy wasn't going to let him drink anymore. Louis just took the left over money and stumbled around until he found a payphone. He leaned against the booth as he put his money into the machine, dialing the familiar number.

Louis knew it was stupid to call him, but he was so drunk that all reasoning and logic went out a six story window and died. The phone rang three times before he finally picked up, Louis wanting to cry as soon as he heard his voice.

"Hello? Who is this?" Harry's voice said through the phone, and Louis sighed.

"Hi Haz." Louis slurred, and he could tell that Harry was rolling is eyes.

"What do you want, Louis?"

"Did you know that chickens don't like pineapple."

"What the hell are you talking about? Have you been drinking?"

"I drank a lot, and tomorrow I'm going to jump off something tall."

 "You're going to kill yourself?"


"Good riddance." And with that, Harry hung up.

"I love you." Louis whispered, dropping the phone and stumbling out of the phone booth. Louis walked around with his hands shoved into his pockets, tripping over his own feet.

He walked back to his car, muttering good riddance under his breath. Louis opened the back door and crawled in, curling up on the back seat, shutting the door much harder than needed. He wrapped his arms around himself, curling into a ball.

He mumbled good riddance again, before breaking down.


Louis woke up to someone tapping on his car window, and looked up to see a cop standing there, looking incredibly pissed off. Louis groggily got out of his car, before being slammed over the hood and getting his hands cuffed together.

"What the fuck?!" Louis exclaimed as the cop dragged him over to the police car. "Just shut up, kid." The police officer snapped, pushing Louis into the back seat of the car and slamming the door. "Do I at least get to know why you're fucking arresting me?" Louis exclaimed, wanting to punch the police officer in the face.

"There have been about five different complaints about you since you showed up. That's why. Now shut the hell up, kid." The police officer spat and Louis shut up, wanting to knock the cop unconscious right about now.


Louis sat in a holding cell, hitting his head against the bars. "Do I at least get a phone call?" Louis asked for the fifth time, pissing off the officer.

"Quit asking." She snapped, and Louis just rolled his eyes. "When do I get out of here?" Louis asked, hitting his head again.

"Whenever we deem fit." The officer said, Louis groaning loudly and hitting his head. "And how long will that be?" Louis said, wanting to get the fuck out of the police station. "Stop asking so many damn questions." The officer spat and walked out of the room.

"Bitch." Louis mumbled to himself, holding his head because he was still very hung over. Normally, he would have Harry and Liam to come and get him out of the fucking holding cell, but right now he had nobody.


um... yeah. I ended chapter one with Louis getting arrested... lovely. Tell me what you think in the comments and make sure to massage the penguin.

Song: Shout At The Devil - Hollywood Undead cover



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lol don't send me sexual messages ಥ_ಥ


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