Chapter Three - The Armada

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Do any of you guys listen to Falling In Reverse? Because I want to marry Ronnie Radke. I just want to marry everyone. 

(I made the picture on the side BTW. I'm awful with Photoshop -.-)

Warning: more self harm. sorry.

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Harry didn't want to be sitting at school all day. He'd much rather be at home, ruining anything that had to do with Louis. He had bandages around his burned and cut up wrist and was hiding in his sleeves. 

He was ignoring everyone, even Liam. He knew that he probably looked like a homeless drug addict, dark bags under his eyes, his hair disheveled and he was wearing a baggy shirt and ripped jeans.

"Harry, are you alright? You look sick." Jesy said, snapping Harry out of his own mind. "I'm fine." Harry lied. "Does it have to do with Louis?" Jesy asked, seeing straight through Harry.

"No, Louis can go fuck himself." Harry snapped and walked off, Jesy shaking her head. She knew that Harry wasn't alright, and she was going to find out why.

Harry headed straight for the bathroom, making sure Niall wasn't in there crying because someone bumped into him. Luckily the bathroom was empty, and Harry locked the door, because he did not want anyone coming in.

He stepped into a stall and sat down on the floor, his back against the wall. He pulled a lighter out of his pocket, followed by his pack of cigarettes. A razor blade was hidden in the half empty pack of fags, and Harry dumped the cigarettes and razor blade onto his lap.

He lit on of the cigarettes, taking a drag and blowing it out in a ring, which Louis had showed him out to do so. Harry rolled his sleeve up and took off the bandages, glaring at the name that was still stuck to his skin.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, and he placed the razor to his wrist, slicing the skin open along the o of Louis' name. Harry continued to scar the skin on his wrist, until the bell rang. He stood up and washed the blood off of his wrist and the razor blade. He crushed his cigarette out on the wall and wrapped the bandage back around his wrist, pulling his sleeves back down and leaving the bathroom.


Harry knew Louis wouldn't be at school at all, because the cops were still looking for him. He was surprised that the police in Whitby didn't recognize him, but it was a small town in the middle of fucking nowhere.

Harry was incredibly jumpy, and wanted out of the school building. There was fifteen minutes left of class, and Harry was tapping his foot, pissing Perrie off, who was sitting next to him. "Will you stop tapping your foot?!" Perrie snapped.

"Will you stop being a colossal bitch?" Harry retorted, and Perrie just glared, turning her attention back to her notebook. Harry started tapping his foot even more, his eyes on the clock. Perrie told him to stop tapping once again, and he just threw his pencil at her face and ignored her.

The bell finally rang, and Harry stood up, running out of the classroom before the teacher could keep them in longer like he always did. Harry ran straight to his car, ignoring the weird looks that were sent his way.

He unlocked the door and climbed in, slamming the door shut and starting his car before speeding out of the school parking lot.


Louis had been hiding in his basement, waiting for the cops to barge in and arrest him because his dad would probably tell the cops he was back, so he was a bit on edge. He had been rubbing at Harry's name on his wrist, wishing it would go away.

He could just get it covered with another tattoo, but he felt that if he got rid of it, that he wouldn't have anything left. The tattoo was the only piece he had of Harry, since he had burned all of Harry's clothes and all the pictures of them out of drunken rage.

It was about midnight when Louis heard his dad's footsteps stomping down the stairs, and groaned. "We need to talk, Louis." Mark said, and Louis rolled his eyes. "Go fuck yourself." Louis retorted, sitting up.

"I am your father, Louis. You can not talk to me that way." Mark snapped, crossing his arms. "You're not my father. Just because you fucked my mum and I was born, doesn't make you my fucking father. You don't even care about me!" Louis shouted, throwing his hands up.

"Maybe I don't care because my son is a piece of shit!" Mark shouted back and Louis stopped. "I wish it was you that died in that fucking fire!" Louis yelled, his hands shaking. "Your mother would've thought the same as me! You're a fucking piece of shit, Louis! That's all you'll ever be so get used to it!" Mark shouted, before stomping back up the stairs.

Louis was seeing red as he ran back up the stairs and after his father. He stormed into the kitchen to see his dad there, a beer in hand. "My mum would not think that, you prick!" Louis snapped, venom dripping from his tone.

"We both know that you're wrong." Mark said calmly, and Louis was about to snap. "She loved me! My mum would never-" "Your mum was a fucking whore, and that's the only reason you were ever born. So shut the fuck up!" Mark shouted, and that pushed Louis over the edge.

Louis punched Mark straight in the jaw, and kicked his knees, his head banging against the counter. Louis kicked and punched until his hands hurt and he stopped for a second, walking out to the living room.

Louis pulled a lighter out from his pocket, followed by a pack of cigarettes. Louis lit a cigarette before leaving the house and walking to the garage. He looked for anything flammable, and grabbed a few cans of spray paint.

Louis went back into the house, and stood in front of the couch, spray can in one and a the lighter in the other. Louis flicked the lighter to life, and held it in front of the spray can. Louis pressed down on the nozzle, the paint setting on fire and hitting the couch.

Soon enough the couch and floor around it was on fire, and Louis set a few other items on fire, the doors included, standing in the street. He took a drag from his cigarette, watching as the front door burned. Louis watched for a second longer, before he took off running, dropping his cigarette and leaving the burning house behind.


Would you take a fucking look at that? Louis just set a house on fire. Crazy bastard.

Anywhore, please comment. It gives me more motivation to update because I know that people actually like it. Votes are nice, but so are comments.

So,  what do you guys think is going to happen?

Song: The Armada - I don't know who it's by and I'm too lazy to look it up.

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