Chapter 20: Control

Start from the beginning


While waiting, I locked myself in my room. I didn't want anyone to bother me. My tears stained the pillow covers. I questioned why my life turned upside down. What did I ever do to deserve this? What did Margarett ever do to deserve death? Margarett has never harmed anyone. No one. But Vivian has her own thoughts. I gripped the sheets. Thinking about Vivian made my blood boil. Something in me snapped. I wanted her gone. A life for a life. My thoughts drifted to how I'm gonna kill her but then I snapped out of my thoughts. I wont! I will not give in to my emotions. If I keep thinking of revenge, my judgement will cloud me. Wrath would be my only option. And then.....even just this idea in my head, I have already sinned. I don't want that at all but my heart keeps on saying otherwise.

I heard the sound of someone knocking. I didn't bother it at all. The sound of knocking didn't come from my door. Weird, so I stood up. When I turned to the side, the knocking came from my room's balcony. Opening the large curtains covering the glass door, my eyes spotted the most familiar black hair and eyes.

Zeldris was standing outside my balcony.

Immediately, I opened the door to let him in. " did you get up here?"
"I climbed. You know there's a ladder with vines winding up around it." He said in a 'duh' tone. Zeldris stared at me then turned away. was I seeing things or did I just see him blush?
"so..when are you gonna dress decently?" huh? I looked down at what I was wearing and my face blushed the brightest red ever.

I was standing in front of Zeldris wearing only a short...very short night gown that my by butt was almost showing. Zeldris turned away. that was my chance to run into my room and pick out a more suitable attire. I didn't want to keep him waiting so I wore the first clothing I see on my shelves. A plain white t-shirt and pink shorts. Just plain and simple yet comfortable. Walking out, I saw Zeldris texting on his phone. His face was blank. He looked serious on hwat he was doing. Zeldris finally acknowledged my presence and closes his phone.

"Let's go." He told me as he went out the balcony.
"g...go where?" I asked him.
"somewhere...more private." I grabbed my sneakers, put them on and followed him. Zeldris went down the wooden ladder. Soon, he had arrived down the ground. Now it was my turn. I have never done something like this before. Never have I used this wooden ladder since I was a child. I never sneak out so I never used this. Slowly, I climbed down the ladder. Looking down, I calculated the height from where I am to the ground. About 20 feet high I think. I gulped and kept on going. When I was about only 6 feet left of height, I slipped. I flinched when one of the vines snapped. Falling was scary. As I waited for the hard impact, two arms caught me on time. My eyes opened to see Zeldris carrying me bridal style.
"you okay Elizabeth?" he asked me. I blushed again.
"uh..y..yeah..thanks for saving" I hid my blush. Good thing my bangs did the job for me. Zeldris put me down.
"follow me..." and so I did.


The Prinzesse family owns a huge amount of land. If you were to imagine what my house looks like and the area, it would look just like Nagi Sanzenen's household in Hayate the Combat Butler series. Basically, Zeldris passed so many security guards. He led me to my family's private lake. I always come here with Margarett, Veronica and Papa when I was a kid. Immediately, my heart ached at the thought of our family drifting away because of the loss. Zeldris didn't notice this and I'm glad he didn't. We stopped near two large boulders. I sat on one and he sat on the other. I didn't hesitate to ask him but he beat me to it.
"are you okay Elizabeth?" Zeldris was obviously talking about my family. I frowned.
"to be honest, no. Everyone is slowly drifting away from each other. It's like we're strnagers living under the same roof." I confessed. Keeping it locked up will make it worse.
"this is not the reward I wanted." Zeldris said.
"huh? Reward?"
Zeldris sighed. "since Meliodas wasn't able to do the job, I agreed to do it. Your father wanted to reward me but I told him 'no'. He kept on insisting but I turned him down." He answered.
"w..why didn't you just accept the reward?"
"I already have the reward." Zeldris lightly smiled then went black again. It might only be a second but it made my heart skip a beat. He turned to me and said,

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