Brain Damage

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~There are two different types of brain injury a cat can have: Primary brain injury and Secondary brain injury

~Primary: direct trauma to the brain, which one acquired, cannot be altered (changed/helped)

~Secondary: the alteration (change) of brain tissue that occurs after primary injury, however this form of injury can be managed, prevented and improved with the greatest amount of supportive care and treatment. (However considering Warriors are feral cats it is unlikely they will recover unless a Twoleg takes care of them)

~Since the brain is a vital organ is requires constant supply of oxygen and nutrition. Any deficiency of oxygen or direct trauma to the brain may result in bleeding or fluid (a mixture of blood and water) buildup which can cause excessive pressure on the brain.

~This in turn can cause complications involving heart, eye, and several other body systems.

~Symptoms may vary and depend on the cause and severity of the brain damage.


- Seizures

- Loss of consciousness

- Abnormal posture or irregular movements

- Ear or nose bleed

- Bleeding inside the eye (involving the retina) (retina:layer of the eye that is charged with receiving or processing images)

- Bluish discolouration of the skin and mucous membranes; a sign that oxygen in the blood is dangerously low

- Insufficient oxygen reaching body tissue

- Purplish or bluish patch under the mucous membranes or under the skin due to ruptured blood vessels

- Red or purple spot on the body caused by a minor haemorrhage (haemorrhage: extreme loss of blood)

- Heavy or rapid breathing

- Abnormal heart functions, such as abnormally slow heart rate


- Head trauma

- Severe hypothermia or hyperthermia

- Abnormally low of blood glucose (sever hypoglycaemia)

- Prolonged seizures or shock

- High blood pressure

- Brain parasites

- Brain tumours

- Infections involving the nervous system

- Toxicity

- Immune-mediated diseases

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