Hyperthermia (Heat Stroke)

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~ Hyperthermia is the the condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal

~A cat may get Hyperthermia when they are in hot weather for a long period of time

~Cats only pant or sweat through their feet pads in order to get rid of excess heat in their body

~As the cat's body temperature rises they will suffer from heat exhaustion and eventually heat stroke.

Causes: Excessive environmental temperature, with or without excessive humidity, and access to a cool shaded area or water, will eventually lead to heat stroke.


Heat Stress

- Restless behaviour as they try to find a cool spot

- Panting, sweating feet, drooling, excessive grooming in an effort to cool off

Heat Exhaustion

- Rapid pulse and breathing

- Redness of tongue and mouth

- Vomiting

- Drowsiness

- Stumbling or staggering gait

~Eventually the body temperature of the will be high enough to cause the cat to collapse and have seizures or slip into a coma

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