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Laila's POV

I can't believe it was just yesterday I got married. His name is Yousef And I met him in DC. He knew my cousins. He didn't go to Georgetown but I don't care. He's all I ever wanted.

We are now in Columbus to see some of my friends and family. But mostly to see the boys after such a long period of time. And by the boys I mean One Direction.

After that summer we met Liam and Louis and instantly became friends. They couldn't make it cause they had business to do in England. But they're here now and that's all that matter.

We knocked on the door of Ayans house where we were meeting up with everyone. The door opened to reveal Ayan.

Ayan's POV

I opened the door and saw Laila and her new husband. "Come on in, everyone's out back" I said letting them in. I was walking behind them wen I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I turned my head to see Zayn.

Even after being married to him for 5 years I could never get used to that smile.

I can't wait for next week. I'll be flying up to England to live with Zayn now that I've graduated. My parents were a but sad by the news I was moving so far but they understood and let it be.

He pulled my hand and we walked to the backyard.

Zayn's POV

As I pulled Ayan into the backyard I couldn't help but see Harry staring at something. I looked in the direction and saw it was Safiya.

Now since Harry became Muslim I know he's been following that rule of lowering his gaze from a woman's face. So why was he doing it now? I then saw Safiya look up and smile at him.

But Ayan saying something made me look away.

"Guys thanking for coming to this going away party. It means a lot to Zayn and I. I'm going to miss everyone so much but it's time for me to leave the nest. I'll remember all those great times we had. Those Muslim girl problems jokes we used to make in middle school. The stupid mistakes we made in high school.

But now that we've graduate we're all opening a new chapter in our lives. but that doesn't mean we'll forget about the chapters before. I love you guys so much" Ayan said before tearing up a little.

Niall's POV

The was a chorus if "I love you too" and "well miss you" through the crowd. But I wasn't paying attention. I had just spotted Laila in the crowd.

Pushing past people I finally reached her. "Laila!" I called out. She turned around and we she saw me she smiled. "Niall!" she said.

"So how was the wedding?" I asked. I was so mad at myself that I couldn't make it.

"It was amazing! It was one of the best days of my life" she said excitedly.

"Well I'm really happy for you" I said truthfully smiling.

Then this guy came up behind her. "So you must be the famous Niall Horan" he said. I nodded my head.

Laila always goes on and on about you" he said while she blushed. "Niall, this Yousef, my new husband" she said.

I smiled at him. "You can ask the lads, I do the same thing with you too" I said which resulted in her smiling widely.

Harry's POV

"So should we tell them now?" I asked Safiya. "Should we, isn't it too soon?" Safiya said nervously.

"It's now or never, I said" shrugging my shoulders. She nodded her head and look towards the crowd.

"Hey, guys! We got an announcement to make!" she said loudly.

"Everyone stopped talking ad turned to face us. She nudged my shoulder. looks like I'm doing all the talking.

"As some of you may know, there was a period of time when I really liked someone. But I couldn't be with her. I wanted to change so I could. but I realized I had a choice to make. Change for her, or me?

"So I changed for myself. and that was doing for the past five years. So this day I could announce that I ended up getting what I wanted after all. And it was because I listened to my heart."

I took I deep breath, "Safiya and I are getting married".

There was a moment of silence. but then the crowd erupted in cheers.

Safiya's POV

Laila and Ayan and some other friends came up to me and gave me hugs and said congratulations.

"You know we always predicted this was going to happen, you were just too blind to see" Ayan said motioning between her and Laila.

I shrugged my shoulders. I was blind. But not anymore I thought as I looked over at Harry.


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it ended!!!!!! This is the first story I've ever written in my life on my own that I've finished. I feel so happy yet so sad that's it's over. I'm going to miss updating on this. This story was practically all did this summer besides some religious things. Im going to miss you guys!



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