Chapter 16

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Ayan's POV

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up Ayan" I heard Safiya say. I woke up and saw Laila and Safiya next to my bed. "What the hell are you doing here? Istagafurallah you made me cuss. You know how I feel about that that" I said sitting up. Well we got here earlier and realize you were sleeping" Laila said. "We were so stupid. We should have known you would still be asleep 12 in the afternoon" Safiya added.

"So you wanna hang out today? Cause as much as I love my family I don't want to be home" Laila said. I was about to say yes when I remembered I was hanging out with Zayn today. I could never stop thinking about him. Which sounded stalkerish. I mean his hazel eyes and and brown hair with the blonde streak. I've always been a directioner. But the fact that I actually know him is beyond my wildest dreams.

"Sorry I can't. I have plans but we can hangout tomorrow". Then I remembered the "plan" with Harry and Safiya was supposed to start tomorrow. "Yeah let's hang out tomorrow" I said. "Ayan Ali actually had social plans today" Safiya said fake gasping. Laila eyes widened. "It's with Zayn, isn't it?" She asked. "Uh..." "It is! But be careful. I almost got caught with Niall yesterday" she said. "You were with Niall yesterday?" Safiya asked confused. "Yeah long story, I'll tell ya another day" Laila said trying to avoid the subject.

"Well now that you guys are here wanna help me pick out a cute outfit?" I asked. "Do you have to ask?" Safiya said already going through my closet.

In the end I chose this mint green maxi dress and a light gray cardigan. With a gray scarf around my head and gray toms. When I finished putting on a little eyeliner and mascara I got a text.

From: AmazaynMalik

Where do u wanna meet up?

To: AmazaynMalik

Why don't I just pick u up?

From: AmazaynMalik

K, Im staying at Hilton

To: AmazaynMalik

I'll be there in a few

I swiped on some lipgloss and grabbed my wallet. "We'll bye guys, sorry I couldn't hang put with you guys" I said truthfully. "No problem, this is Zayn Malik we're talking about. He's nothing like Hassan who's always hitting on us" Safiya pointed out. "Not lately though" I said. "You're right. I wonder why" Safiya said. "Uh, you don't wanna be late for Zayn you should go" Laila said with a panicked look. "Bye" I said and headed out the door.

Safiya's POV

Right after Ayan left Laila and I decided to just go to the mall and hangout. Once we entered my car I looked over to Laila. "Spill" I said. "What?" She asked. "About whatever's going on with Hassan and Niall" I said. She sighed. "How'd you know?"

"When you wouldn't tell us why you were with Niall and when you tried to get Ayan to leave because we were talking about Hassan".

During the car ride she explained everything from dating Hassan to why she was with Niall which actually explained a lot.

"I'm so sorry that happened but why Hassan?" I asked. She sighed. "I have no idea" she said chuckling. "What you need is a girls day. We're gonna ship till we drop". "And this is why I love you" she said smiling.

We were just stepping put of H&M when Laila stopped me. "Will you ever give Harry a second chance?" she asked. "Well I can't really. He's not Muslim. Which goes against the religion" I pointed out. "I know but if you weren't muslim would you?" She asked. I thought about that. "I guess I would. I mean I shouldn't have acted like that. He didn't know" I said. He didn't know... I so owe someone an apology.

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