Chapter 13

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Ayan's POV

After I came back from the restroom I sat down in my seat by Harry and Zayn. "So when are we gonna put this plan in action?" Harry asked. I sighed. "I have no idea. I'll text you guys I get an idea. Now you guys better run before people start realizing who you are" I said. "Yeah, bye Ayan" Harry said. "Um... Harry you can go on and leave. I need to ask Ayan something" Zayn said.

"Okay" Harry said giving him a wink. "Harry" he said in a stern voice. "Okay, okay, I'm going" he said putting his arms up in surrender.

He turned around to face me. "Mind if we have another quick lesson on Islam? I've been curious about something" he asked. "Sure, what is it?" I asked. "Um... why do you, Safiya, and Laila always cover your heads and wear dresses or skirts?" he asked. "To cover certain body parts" I simply said.

"But what's so bad about your hair or your arms. Why do you cover those?" he asked clearly confused. "Okay, god wants men to see our inner beauty instead of our outer beauty. If the one comes around and you marry that person then we are allowed to show our outer beauty to that person. Like you know how some people save their virginity for the person they love and are gonna marry?" He nods his head. It's like that but more complicated" I said. "Well that makes more sense. I'll think about that next time I see a girl who I think is hot. She may be got on the outside. But maybe not the inside" he said. "Thanks". "You're welcome. Well I gotta go, I'll see you later" I said grabbing my stuff and heading out the door.

Safiya's POV

I was sitting on my bed surfing the Internet. I was looking at recent stories about celebrities when one article caught my eye.

'Harry styles is caught stepping out of a Starbucks in Columbus. Zayn is still inside with a girl...'

I looked at the picture and realized the girl was Ayan. What was she doing with Harry? I grabbed my phone and texted Laila.

To: Laila <3

Guess what I just found out

From: Laila<3


To: Laila<3

Ayan was at Starbucks with Zayn and Harry.

From: Laila<3

How do u know this?

To: Laila<3

It's on the Internet. Do u know why she would be would be with them?

From: Laila<3

I have no idea

To: Laila<3

Should I confront her

From: Laila<3

I guess u could

To: Laila<3

K, i'll do it later, bye

From: Laila<3


I went back to reading articles but only one thing was in my mind. The picture. What could she possibly be talking about with Harry?

Niall's POV

I was walking around this mall that I heard was really popular around here. I had on a hat and sunglasses so no one would recognize me.

There was a guy and girl walking in front of me. I looked a little closer and realized it was Laila with some guy. I walked a little bit closer behind them.

"We're gonna have to tell someone about our relationship Laila. Sneaking out behind our friends backs isn't gonna work forever. In fact my friends are already getting suspicious. We should at least tell one person for now. To get it off our chests" the guys said. They're having a secret relationship? So this is why I felt like she wasn't telling me something. I instantly felt and and a little sad. Why would I be feeling this?

All of a sudden Laila turned around. Her eyes went wide. "Niall!"


Cliffhanger! Sorry for the late update :(. But I hope u liked the chapter. And Niall is having feelings! And Laila decided not to tell! But what's Safiya gonna do when she confronts Ayan. Well ur probably gonna find out next time! So vote and comment.

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