'Three!' Niall yells, instead of counting up and Louis and Niall pull me into the sea with them.

I stand up quickly and start running to the edge. 'You don't get away that easily!' says Liam and he runs up to me and pulls me down into the sea again. I start laughing uncontrollably. Then I push Liam off me and start running again. I see Liam and Louis get up and then I see Niall and Harry join them and they start running towards me. I scream and start legging it up to my towel. As I pass it I grab it and wrap it round me and then start running again. I see them gaining on me. I turn to look. I drop my towel and then I stumble. I roll on the sand and then the boys are all over me. 'Get off!' I try to say, as they try pick me up again. And then suddenly I'm on my butt and Zayn's helping me to my feet. I turn to look at him. 'Thanks' I say, smiling. 'Any time' he replies. The boys stand up and I shiver. I haven't even brought any spare clothes either.

'You should go and get changed' says Zayn. 'Into what?' I ask him. 'Haven't you brought any other clothes?' Niall asks me. 'No. I didn't know you guys would throw me into the sea!' I answer him. They all look uncomfortable. 'You can borrow my trackies if you want' says Liam. 'And my top!' says Louis. They all offer me some clothes and then I get changed.

I've got Liam's tracksuit bottoms on, Louis' blue t-shirt, Harry's red Jack Wills hoodie, Niall's hat and Zayn's geek glasses. He handed me them, with a funny look on his face. Like he's challenging me to wear them. After that we all sat down in a circle and Zayn pulled his stuff over.

He took out of a bag his drawing stuff. He took out a few drawings that were pretty nice.

'You draw and paint?' I asked him. He nods, going slightly red. 'But I don't know what else to paint. I always paint or draw paintings of beaches and stuff. I'm a bit tired of it, if I'm honest' he says. I think. 'Well, you could paint someone special to you. Like your mum or one of the boys' I say. He smiles at me and says 'Yeah. Thanks. I'll do that' 'Glad to be of service' I reply and then I lay back down on my towel. It's not a very sunny day. There's quite a few clouds here and there.

I listen to the radio and then We Found Love by Rihanna comes on. 'I love this song!' me and Abi say at the same time. We smile and giggle at each other. Abi gets up and starts doing a funny type of dance to the music. She goes over to Liam, Harry and Louis who're by the sea, arguing about something or other. Again. I start singing quietly and Zayn smiles at me. I grin back and look at his drawing. He covers it up, quickly. 'Can't I see?' I ask him, a tiny bit hurt. 'Nuh-huh. You can have a look when I'm done' 'Fine' I say, shrugging. I look over at Niall, who's eating crisps. I nudge Zayn and point at Niall. 'Perfect painting picture' I whisper. He laughs quietly and picks up the camera and takes a picture of Niall cramming his mouth with Dorito crisps. I laugh out loud.

Niall looks over and sees the camera in Zayn's hand. 'You didn't' he says. 'I did' Zayn replies. Niall puts the bag of crisps on the towel and stands up. 'Oops' says Zayn, gets up and, with the camera still in hand, starts running off. Niall quickly follows him.

I laugh and look around me. I look down at Zayn's painting. He'd turned it over, so I couldn't see who it was. I lean forward. No. I can't look. I can't ruin the surprise or anything.

So I turn around and there's Abi, shoving the video camera in my face. 'Abi. What are you doing?' I ask her, pushing the camera away. 'Filming for the future' she says. 'Right. Ok' I reply. 'You look nice with those glasses on' she says. I think she means it. I look at her carefully. 'Really?' 'Yeah. That's maybe why Zayn lent you them' she teases me. I snort and look away. I see Zayn running and Niall in pursuit. He comes running up to us, drops the camera into my lap and runs off again. I hide it behind my back and Niall hesitates but then carries on running after Zayn.

I laugh again. Niall turns around and spots the camera behind my back. I leap up and then run off with the camera. The boys turn around and start chanting 'Pass it! Over here!'. I spot Louis. I run close and throw the camera, but then I'm rolling on the floor.

'Niall! Get off! Louis has got the camera!' I say, as he starts tickling me. 'No! Stop!' I say, giggling. He suddenly gets off me and runs to Louis. 'Bloody hell he's rough!' I mutter, standing up and brushing myself down. They carry on taunting Niall until Harry drops the camera.

We sit down and then we start eating. We eat and then we all lay around, relaxing.

Louis listens to the radio (Again) and Zayn starts painting again. Niall and Liam start talking about Lana and Sam. And Harry and Abi start arguing about X factor. I lay down and enjoyed the silence (Well apart from the occasional bickering from Abi and Harry).

I feel happy, for the first time since Mum died. I feel at home, welcome. When Mum died, everyone gave me my space. Even my friends. And then Zayn and Harry come to school and the boys just burst into my life. I don't mind, of course. But I think that that's what I needed. Someone to force their company on me. I smile. I'm glad Zayn did force his company on me. So glad.

Zayn's P.O.V:

We're having a great time today. I'm painting a picture of someone special to me, like Reece said. I haven't shown anyone yet. The boys and Reece have gone of to buy ice-creams (Yeah, it's kinda childish, but we all wanted one). So I'm here painting when Abi comes and sits down next to me. She doesn't look at my painting. She looks at me. And then she says 'You know Zayn. Reece has been much better since you got here'. I look at her and ask 'Better how?' 'She used to wake up and cry for her mum. Everyday. I know that, because I slept over her house nearly every night because she needed me' 'Oh' is all I could think off. 'But she's changed since she got to know you Zayn. You'd do her some good. You're good for her' Abi replies. I look at her. She's telling the truth.

'What do you mean?' I ask her. I'm a bit confused. 'I mean, that you'd do her good if she stayed around you. She's happy with you. With the boys' she explains. 'Right. Ok. I got it' I said and that was the last thing we said on the matter because the boys and Reece returned with the ice-creams. Reece handed me mine. We had the same. We smile at each other as we sit down.

As we hear the song 'What Makes You Beautiful' comes on we all sit up and start singing. Louis and Niall stand up and start doing a funny dance. We all get up and start re-enacting the 'What Makes You Beautiful' video. We start laughing as dance around having fun, singing and dancing.

I go over what Abi'd said about Reece. I look at her now. Dancing with Niall and having fun. I smile at her and over the beach, she smiles back. It looks like she's having fun. She probably is.

Then Abi and Reece move on from boy to boy, dancing with each of them. Reece comes over to me and we sing my solo together. The boys wolf-whistle when we finish and we both go red. Why do they have to embarrass me like that?

'That's what makes you beautiful!' we sing at then end. And we burst out laughing.

By that time it's starting to get dark. We all start packing our stuff away. Reece and Abi and the boys are by the car, packing the stuff away when I walk to the edge of the sea. I take hold of a stick and I write something in the sand.

Abi's P.O.V:

We had soooooooooo much fun today! I filmed most of it and took loads of pictures. For the future

I'd said to Reece, when she'd asked me. We danced and sang and had ice-creams and stuff, so it was really fun! We were packing the stuff away when Louis noticed that Zayn was still by the sea. 'I'll go check on him' I said, so I went and looked for Zayn. It was pretty hard to see him since it was pretty dark. I'd took the camera (I'd had it in my hand when I said I'd go look for Zayn).

I saw him by the edge of the sea, with a stick in his hand and drawing something on the sand. I crept forward, silently. I gasped and he turned around. He grinned and said 'Don't tell. Anyone' 'I won't' I reply. I'm stunned. Whoa. I did not just see that. Did I? I took a quick picture, for proof and then I followed Zayn back to the car.

What Zayn'd written, was so romantic. I can't believe he wrote that. My eyes filled up with tears and I climbed into the car.

I looked at the picture (Carefully, so Reece nor Harry, could see it) of Zayn's picture.

It was really nice. He'd drawn:

Z ♥ R and then a heart around it. So sweet and romantic! It's a good job I took a picture!

It's Gotta Be You {One Direction/Zayn Malik}Where stories live. Discover now