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Hey guys! 

If you are reading this now PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORK! 

Other than that I hope you enjoy the book!

 Sorry if it is really crappy. This is one of my first books.

And please please please look out for typos and comment them in the comments. Thanks a lot!

I hope you like it! ;) 


One year after a horrid boyfriend and almost successfully committing suicide Veronica's life takes a new turn.
  Instead of a good turn her life gets torn in two and becomes chaos. What will happen when the chaos is two of the most popular boys in the whole school. And on top of all that she has to be tutored by one of them while the other hosts dinner for them almost every week.
  What will Ronnie do when another horrifying event happens and she needs a shoulder to cry on even though she has no one.


"w-what are you d-doing" i stuttered.

"claiming what is mine" he growled in my ear still pinning me to the wall. oh fuck no.

"no" as soon as those words had left my m opp with I instantly regretted it.

"did you just defy me? Over time you will learn not to disrespect me." he said before kissing me.


Please let me know what you think about the book as you read it.



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