Chapter 1

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Thank you for taking time to start reading my story! Please read and vote! Hope you all enjoy it and stay tuned for the next chapters! Please comment on what I can do to improve the book and please don't forget to comment what you think! I'm dying to hear what you guys think so please comment! I'm begging you :P Feedback would be greatly appreciated! Hope that all of you guys continue reading!

Chapter 1

"First day of school! Ugh! Worst day ever!" I groaned as I heard my mum yelling from downstairs that if I won't wake up now I'm going to be late.

Usually I wake up at 7am and I would catch the bus that passes a few blocks away from my house at around 7:30. I wasn't the type of girl that spends a lot of time to see how I look, especially at 7am of the morning. Besides it's just school, who cares about it?

After I finished from taking a cold shower because that's the only thing that wakes me up, I checked that I had everything in my blue pack bag and I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

The smell of blueberry pancakes made my stomach growl. I hurried to the kitchen and I started eating my blueberry pancake, which by the way was super delicious!

In the kitchen there was my mum, my dad and my super idiot big brother, who is nothing like me, neither from the looks nor from the character.

"Good morning dear. Excited for school?" my mother greeted me with a smile.

"Not at all," I answered her while eating the blueberry pancake in pleasure.

"How come? When I was your age, I was always excited to see if I'll have any of my friends in class with me," my mother explained in a cheerful voice.

"Isn't it obvious mum? Did you forget that Danielle doesn't have any friends?! Everyone knows that she is annoying so they stay away from her!" my brother, Mark, teased me.

"For your information I have friends and I'm not boring, I am not you!" I snapped at him angrily. It's not because I can't take a joke, but it's 7am in the morning for God's sake. Who would want to hear someone talking at that time, moreover someone teasing you?!

Yes, as you most probably have noticed, I'm definitely not a morning person.

"Oh sorry my bad. I forgot you have that ONE friend. Yeah, that's a lot of friends," my brother said sarcastically.

"Just because I'm not popular as you are, doesn't mean I don't have friends. I prefer to have a few rather than having a bunch of friends behind me or especially like those idiots of friends you have!" I responded back while drinking

"You didn't just call my friends idiots!"

"Too bad I just did," I childishly replied.

"You know I'm still friends with Cameron. Yes that particular Cameron who you had a huge crush on," my brother started with the usual line. Cameron is my brother's best friend, they have been close friends since they were in diapers, and when I was a little girl I had a huge crush on him, don't blame me he is a cute guy, with wavy brown hair, olive skin, deep brown eyes, practically he is like your everyday guy, but way hotter.

My brother discovered that I had a crush on him due to my diary, which is where I wrote that Cameron is super hot. Since my brother likes to intrude into other's stuff he read my whole diary and even though more than 5 years passed from that incident, he still teases me about it! Idiotic right?

"You do know that I changed from that day up to today, don't you?" I asked him.

"Did you really change?" He eyed me as if too check if I really did change.

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