Chapter 7: Ignoring His Fellow Redhead

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Chapter Seven: Ignoring His Fellow Redhead


     "Max, what's up?" Red grinned, leaning on the door frame outside of his fellow gingers office. Max had recalled the night that had happened a week prior. He was just delightful with his cut back of Michael. But Red on the other hand . . . wasn't.

     "I don't know what I did Max . . . but I have news." Michael stated, Max looked up from his monitor, he was editing a video for whoever it was. He forgot and dazed, "Yes?" Max's monotone word reply sent Red over the edge but he held his ground to tell.

     Michael smiled, "Well . . . I met a girl, her name is Louisa. She is very sweet and kind. Max . . .," Red paused, for effect, "I think I like her."

     Max's whole world collapsed, he didn't need this bullshit intervening in his life. Especially this Louisa girl, whoever she is won't ever touch Red. Max promised her and himself. This was an unknown feeling for Max, it was new.

     And he certainly didn't like new.

     At all.

     New gave him a feeling where he wasn't wanted. Or the fact that Max had always hated new.

     Like his step mother, Samantha. He'd always taunted his step mom of her common name and all. He always taunted her, she hated it. And eventually, she got to the point where she abused him.

     Max's father knew, of course, but hadn't helped him. Samantha even left bruises and handprints. Sometimes, it only took a bad day at work for to automatically got the feeling where Max had somehow caused the issues and her misery.

     It was something Max had come to fear overtime, new.

     People say new change was always good.

     But Max knew firsthand that it wasn't even considered great.

     "Good for you, Michael," Max's voice strained, he ended up plastering a fake smile on the fake Michael adored. Red knew, of course. He could read Max like a book, Max hadn't had a clue of it, at all.

     "Thank you, Max." Red smiled genuinely, but Max's smile strained, a lot. Max focused back on his monitor: to go back to editing whatever video it was – Max had forgotten. "Red . . . if you'd excuse me, I have to . . . erm . . . focus back on editing this video."

     Michael's face flushed, "Yes, yes, of course." Red had stuttered, he was embarrassed. He hadn't realized he was staring at Max before scurrying out of his office, to let him continue editing the current video he was working on before Red had interrupted him.

Max set back to work, but Red had left him thinking what was up with him. It was certainly unusual for what for what he was doing, but Max hadn't questioned it.

     He sighed, and contemplated. Nothing will get better, Max. You know this firsthand.


'kay this is kinda short


- NotJanet


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