Chapter 2: Tell The Truth, Please

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Chapter Two: Tell The Truth, Please


Michael was up all night, the facts haunting his mind, his brain perusing sleep, but his mind keeping him wide awake. 'What is there I cannot know? Why is it so secretive? Am I being paranoid.' The same thoughts repeating, over and over again; like a broken record.

Michael had wanted to yell at Adam, he had wanted to yell at him to tell the truth. But, for some people, the truth doesn't matter. What matters is what is believed. Why lie to Red? Just, why lie? The thought had crossed his mind too many times to count.

'I need to know, why bother lying, Max. I'm going to ask you . . . as soon as I grow a pair.' Michael thought and felt the blood rush to his cheeks, he felt like he was asking a girl out for the first time, or even to prom. He felt his nerves build up and his self-esteem and courage disintegrate.

Michael felt the insecurities well up inside, as if they were a water balloon set under a nozzle. He didn't realize he was walking towards Max's office until Michael was a few steps away from the closed door,

"Hey," Michael said softly and unknowingly and hesitantly opened the door; "hey, bud," Max grinned and spun around, as if to distract himself. Michael knew, seeing he did it a lot when he wasn't in a good mood. "Whatcha doing?" Red started small talk, over the course of around twenty-four hours he had gotten an unnerving feeling washed over him.

"Eh, nothing special, waiting for Adam to get here to record."

"Ah." Michael nodded and left him to it, as soon as he left Max's office he pulled out his iPhone and selected the 'budder king's' number. He selected the message button and typed away:

Red: what's going on with Max. Tell me the truth, please. What is there to hide?

He had felt his anger rise from impatience, this isn't the usual Red. It shouldn't be happening. His mind whirred of possible scenarios. Some of them are okay, some are not-so-bad, then some he'd rather not witness. Ever.

Adam: listen Red. Please, I'm the only one who knows from my knowledge and I intend on keeping it that way. It's not my business to tell and its not yours to get involved in.

Red: ik, and I understand that but . . . i'm just worried about him; I have every right to be I think

It took ten painful seconds for Adam to reply to Michael, honestly, he didn't even know why Max's happiness was worth so much.

Adam: you do, everyone does but . . . if he didn't tell you then it's not my problem

And with that, the conversation ended.


Michael ran his fingers through the ginger hair that is oh, so short. Max certainly looked well with his ginger hair and deep, brown eyes. They were always something that drew Red in; he just, couldn't place his finger on it. He didn't get the fact why he couldn't know, why couldn't he? He had also noticed Max had started wearing sweaters, hoodies, and long-sleeves. It was odd really, sending Red in a whirlpool of his thoughts, almost like a very windy hurricane.

Max pondered at his desk, with the occasional spin of his chair to help him distract himself from his own issues. "I'm sorry, mother." He had whispered quietly to himself, his apology had made no sense, really, even to Max. That's when Max looked down at his upper hip area. That's when the sun was blocked by clouds, it was easily visible through the blinds; the blocking made Max tear up.

"Mother, forgive me. I'm sorry . . ."

Hesitantly, the clouds parted, revealing the sunlight; to make Max's hidden tears disappear and he gave the window a weak, pained smile.


and so the plot thickens, creating an oh, so lovely background.

- NotJanet


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